Timid Guinea Pigs Better Off Indoors?


Junior Guinea Pig
Aug 25, 2017
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so I’ve had my guinea pigs about 3-4 weeks now and they’re still so scared. They'll come and take veggies out of my hand but the slightest noise or movement and they’re straight to their hides. Plus if they’re not hungry, they stay to the back of the cage or hide when I’m there.
They’re in the shed so I go out to feed them and have also been spending time out their so they get used to me but they’re still so frightened.
I’m wondering if bringing them into the house will help? Like into a room that I’m mostly might help as they’ll be hearing me all the time (not being loud just general moving around etc) and might make them less afraid.
Does anyone think this would help? Or should I carry on as I’m doing?
I know bonding takes time and I’m ok with that. I just want to do it the best way for them.
Bringing your guinea pigs indoors for the winter months is always recommended. Place a fleece or a towel over the cage at first to give them a feeling of protection at first until they have got their bearings, and talk to them constantly when you come into the room.
You will enjoy having more interaction with your piggies, and they become more settled as they get used to being around you.
Just brace yourself for the occasional bout of panic - your piggies will come out of that quicker with every time it happens, and nothing has hurt them.
How Do I Settle Shy New Guinea Pigs?
How To Understand Guinea Pig Instincts And Speak Piggy Body Language
How To Pick Up And Weigh Your Guinea Pig
Being indoors definitely helps, they get used to you quicker and also it helps if they're indoors for temperature as well :)
Thanks for the replies and links. I’m going to set up and bring them in tomorrow:)
Thanks for the replies and links. I’m going to set up and bring them in tomorrow:)
Our girls were just like your piggies when we first got them. They jumped at every tiny noise and hid away from us whenever we came in the room. Our girls have always lived in our dining room, and now, after almost a year, they come out to eat with us every night, and even demand to know where their food is, if we are a bit late eating! They run all around us while we are at the table, and we have to watch where we step when we are carrying their food to them, as they get right under our feet. It's really adorable.
Having them in the house all the time has allowed this to happen. They just take time to get used to everything. Be kind, gentle and, above all, patient, and your piggies will eventually come out of their shells and relax more around you.
And, you'll love having them around all the time! :)) Best of luck with the changes.
Our girls were just like your piggies when we first got them. They jumped at every tiny noise and hid away from us whenever we came in the room. Our girls have always lived in our dining room, and now, after almost a year, they come out to eat with us every night, and even demand to know where their food is, if we are a bit late eating! They run all around us while we are at the table, and we have to watch where we step when we are carrying their food to them, as they get right under our feet. It's really adorable.
Having them in the house all the time has allowed this to happen. They just take time to get used to everything. Be kind, gentle and, above all, patient, and your piggies will eventually come out of their shells and relax more around you.
And, you'll love having them around all the time! :)) Best of luck with the changes.
Aw, so sweet. That sounds absolutely lovely. :’)
This has filled me with such hope.
I got my two at 4 months old and they’ve never had much handling so I guess it’s only fair that they’ll take a long time to get used to it.
Hopefully getting used to noise and movement will go a long way to helping.
Can’t wait for morning now to bring them in. Haha!