Time To Accept?

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Junior Guinea Pig
May 17, 2015
Reaction score
East Sussex (UK)
So, some of you may remember I was bought my 2 boys back in May as a birthday present when they were about 10 weeks old.

Since I've had them, I've followed all the advice on here for bonding with them and getting to know to know them. They can sometimes appear quite affectionate, coming up to the edge of the cage to see me and taking food from my hand (cupboard love ha) but that's it. They still hate being picked up and cuddled and the only way I can groom them is by getting in their run with them and trying to get hold of them that way. If I do manage to pick them up its usually met with crying and occasional teeth chattering.

Is it time for me to accept they're never going to be cuddly pigs or is there still time or things I can do? They're about 8.5 months old.
My two are much the same at 13 months they don't like being handled. In Spike's case it's more that he just wants to run around but Peanut is absolutely terrified I can feel him trembling on my lap. I would say keep handling them and giving them short cuddles, they need to be handled for nail cutting vets visits etc. so it's better they get used to it. They are still babies really and never say never they may get to like cuddles yet. Looking back on past piggies I've had they definitely got cuddlier as they got older and less wriggly.
After you pick them up, how comfortable are they? I say that because a lot of pigs don't like the sensation of being picked up even if they settle down while being held. A lot of pigs don't like being groomed (Hadley HATES the brush!) I would keep handling them daily, even if it's only for short times. They are still basically teenagers and a lot of pigs get calmer/more cuddly as they age. Hopefully they will continue to settle in, though not all pigs are lap pigs who want to snuggle the humans for hours on end, most get more comfortable/sedate as they age.
They definitely mellow with age (or at least as they slow they get easier to catch).. It's still early days really. Just be persistent with them.
Yes I agree with the others. Don't give up.

Just carry on doing what you need to with them and having lap time.

Try and bribe them with their favourite veges when you are doing these things so that they start to think if I allow this then I get this. I use this technique for my piggies and my teenage sons :lol!:
I get just as much pleasure from watching my piggies in their pen or during floor time as I do from having them on my lap! My current 3 foster sows were found dumped so are understandably wary of humans, but four weeks in they are taking food from hand, wheeking when I come in the room(cupboard love!) and don't freak out when I poo pick or pop in more hay. Only one of them is content on my knee, one wriggles like crazy and the other one just seems tense. :doh:
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