Time of the month?

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Apr 11, 2012
Reaction score
Perth, Australia
I have two female guinea pigs who are now about 9/10 weeks old and I've had them for about 4 weeks.

Anyway, at first Nina was terrified of me all of the time and would hardly ever let me pick her up (though once I had picked her up she was quite happy) I figured this was just her personality. While Asher was the calm one and would sit still and gaze up at me to pick her up and cuddle... they had acted like this since I first got them..until yesterday!

It's like they've had a personality swap.. Now Nina comes over to me to be picked up and never runs away, while Asher is acting funny and doesn't want me to pick her up at all..? It's so unlike her, also when I pat her bottom/back she does a little jump with her back feet! She doesn't look like she's in pain and I've been watching them too, they don't seem to be fighting.. if anything Asher is the grumpy one being a bit nippy towards Nina.. even though it use to be the opposite!

So I'm just wondering, is it possible Nina is now off heat and Asher has just come on?

(Also note I gave them a good week to settle in before I started handling them)
Hi and welcome to the forum to you, Asher and Nina :)
awwww they actually don't always like their butts being touched rolleyes
Keep handling them and talking away to them all the time, they'll get to know your voice and that it means you will have treats for them!
Enjoy looking around the forum, hope you pop some pigtures on of the girls in our stories section soon.
Gidday from a fellow aussie, i'm over the other side in Victoria :))

Glynis, Velvet and Onyx x
Sorry meant to add...... they do come into season at different times!
One of my girls seemed to be constantly in season, whereas the other never really was in 'narky' mode at all! :(|)
Well, you lwearne something new every day! I never realised a sow could have pmt:a19:
Your girls are coming out of their shell and trust you enough now to tell you what they don't like - which is actually a good sign!

Here is more about sow behaviour. Unless both girls happen to be very close in theor oestrus cycle, they will have their season each at different times. Not all seasons are strong enough for you to notice.
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