Time In Run


New Born Pup
Jul 3, 2017
Reaction score
We're new owners to 2 board (7 wks). They have a hutch with a run below, with access to run via a ramp when we open a hatch for them (during the day). Currently they seem to be hiding in bedroom area.. they have both been up and down ramp a couple of times (when I went to speak to them and they were trying to get away). Should I ensure they have time on grass every day, or just leave them to explore in own time? We've had them since tues but only introduced access to the run yesterday
We're new owners to 2 board (7 wks). They have a hutch with a run below, with access to run via a ramp when we open a hatch for them (during the day). Currently they seem to be hiding in bedroom area.. they have both been up and down ramp a couple of times (when I went to speak to them and they were trying to get away). Should I ensure they have time on grass every day, or just leave them to explore in own time? We've had them since tues but only introduced access to the run yesterday

Hi and welcome!

Please give them time to settle in and get their bearings; that takes a bit longer than just a few days. They've never been outdoors before, so it is all strange and frightening. Make sure that the run is covered with a blanket to give them an added feeling of protection (not just against the sun). guinea pigs are naturally wary of open spaces. After all they are prey animals.

Please makes sure that hutch and run appropriately protected from weather extremes (heat, cold and storms). Guinea pigs can die from heat strokes.
Hot Weather Management And Heat Strokes
Cold Weather Care For Guinea Pigs

Lots more tips on settling in, handling, making friends, understanding behaviour and learning what is normal and what not via this link here: New Owners' " How To" Starter Kit
That's great.. thank u. I was just worried about them being cooped up inside hutch.. but I guess they're still adjusting to that
They will be @Horange. It sometimes can take quite a while for new piggies to adjust to new situations - everything new is potentially dangerous to a piggy. Anything put in the cage or hutch that they are not used to is included in this as piggies think they may end up as lunch! I have have my piggies for about 15 months now and if I put any new toy in the hutch or the run it is treated with caution until they realise that it is not going to kill them. The only exception to this was the carrot cottage which they immediately attacked and loved!
As others have said it is a new, scary world for little piggies. They need to adjust and explore in their own time. if you put a hidey in the run, then when they brave coming down the ramp they will have something to hide in and feel bit safer.