Tigger is trying to sexually abuse Goofy! HELP!

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Jan 20, 2009
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Watford, Herts
My 2 piggies are doing fine after I introduced Tigger to Goofy. there was not a problem at all and all seemed to be fine and they were getting along very well. But now for few days Tigger thinks Goofy is a girl and keeps on 'hopping' on Goofy which stresses him out quite baddly. Goofy always has been a bit of a calm and scared piggy but is also makes me nervous too as it is difficult to sleep when Goofy is unhappy and squick aloud. I though that Tigger will stiop after some time but it has been almost a week and nothing is helping. I do not want to separete them as I do not think this is the way to go but not sure whT else should I try.
try bathing them both and making sure their grease glands are clean in particular then disinfect their belongings and the cage as this may help. From what I have heard it is a dominance thing and should pass eventually anyway. My tips may work for the meantime! good luck x
Bathing can make things worse sometimes when it comes to boys so I would be careful with that. How long have they been together? I wouldn't seperate them unless they're properly full on fighting. It sounds like a case of teenage piggies and it will stop with time. Male piggies tend to get a bit 'rowdy' when they reach 2-3 months old, this is known as piggy puberty, it will stop after a while, it may take a week or two, but it will eventually. Tigger is trying to show that he is the dominant piggie and put Goofy in his place. When I first introduced my boys they did the same, it was horrible because Chewie was only 6 weeks old and absolutely tiny, whereas Spike was a giant monster of a 3 year old and i just wanted to pick Chewie up and rescue him lol. They get on fine now, you just have to be patient and not seperate them unless they really are full-on fighting.

If it does bother you that much I would recommend moving them into another room at night. It might also be helpful to provide them with a few different hidey holes where Goofy can escape from Tigger or where they can be alone for while.
It does take a bit of time and sometimes they just don't get on, I have a guinea pig that had to spend months on his own because he kept attacking every other piggy he was put with now he has two other friends and he did get rowdy with them considerably in the early stages but after time they settled. Give them some veggies together and other things for them to do together it might take his mind off mounting the other one even if its just for a bit, but its just something they do and eventually he will settle. :D
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