Thunder Storm

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Junior Guinea Pig
Feb 1, 2017
Reaction score
Texas, USA
Hi! Last night, we had a huge thunder storm. I was in my room, and was far to sleepy to go and check on Hammy.
Do guinea pigs get scared in huge thunder storms?
I didn't hear any squeaking coming from her... which probably meant she either was too scared to squeak, or she didn't mind it.
The thunder was so loud, and it slightly shook the house, and woke me up. I fell back asleep though. For next time, is there anything that I should do for my GP during a storm? Should I wake up and snuggle her? should I put extra hideys in the cage?
Thank you!
My pigs have gone through several storms now and I have to admit going to check on them during. They were fine - hiding but still eating!
We have had a couple of bad thunder storms and I have set the piggies up with a towel over half their cage for them to feel secure but they were not scared at all, just wheeked for dinner and did zoomies while I cut it up. Later on when toaster popped they then couldn't run for their hidey's fast enough lol.
We have had a couple of bad thunder storms and I have set the piggies up with a towel over half their cage for them to feel secure but they were not scared at all, just wheeked for dinner and did zoomies while I cut it up. Later on when toaster popped they then couldn't run for their hidey's fast enough lol.

It's the "pig toaster of doom!"
Theres also the "fire alarm of doom" aswell as I burnt some toast yesterday morning and set it off and the poor piggies would not come out of their hidey's for the rest of the day, not even to eat. I had to put all their food outside their hidey's so they wouldn't starve.
Aw, mine are so used to the smoke alarm! We have one in the dining room outside the kitchen and they spend weekends in the dining room. We try to remember to shut the door properly when cooking (or toasting!) but sometimes it does go off and now they're not really bothered. They will initially run and hide (I'd like to, too) but as soon as OH has turned it off they're back out
We just moved house a week ago and for some reason the smoke alarm in the new house sound heaps more shrill than the old house.
Ours have never seemed bothered by thunder. But if mobile makes any kind of noise or someone dares to sneeze within the vicinity of the cage then that is a whole different matter!
The smoke alarm is SO LOUD here that it will terrify anything. imagine something about 3x as loud as an average smoke alarm. They really hurt my ears if they go off but thankfully only once in the last few years. They go emit the occasional single peep but have not in a while.

Toasters, food blenders and vacuum cleaners are all ignored but CROWS will have both the guineas and the rats hiding. Every spring the crows start to nest in the huge trees nearby and they like to start some crazy noise VERY early in the morning.
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