three's a crowd?

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Senior Guinea Pig
Jan 24, 2006
Reaction score
West Cornwall
Just a litle bit concerned that Rocky sometimes is a bit left out. Other people have noticed this too. When Dr was alive he and Riffy sometimes left scarby out a bit. In fact Riff and Scarb didn't even get on all that well - Dr was always the peacemaker. Riffy and Dr each had their special corners to sleep in. When Dr died Scarby moved into Dr's corner. Riffy and Scarby aren't horrible to Rocky, it;s just that they seem to leave him out a bit. Then next time I look they'll be kissing him! I don't think Rocky is unhappy, he probably just thinks the others are elderly and dull ;D
My girls get on well and they're in two groups of three. (not Icey and Tiny, they are on their own together)

Now and again the little ones bicker with each other, so it's all change and they are swapped around!

It could be that you think it and only see what happens in front of you, trust me, they are soo different when no-one is watching!
I have my girls in a group of 9, thankfully they all get on really well, the odd bicker when one comes back from my boar,
I am sure it is jealousy on the others part. Lol ;D

they seem to hang out in groups within the big group,
Rosie, corriander and new Tango one group these are the smaller pigs
poppy, fudge and popsy
snowy and Rusty
Brandy goes where she wants too she seems to be top pig and they all bow to herl ;D

Awww big hugs darling!

Peanuts is boss in the top cage and Rattie is boss in the bottom! Icey and Tiny? Well that's anyone's guess! LOL
Tia is top pig! She rumbles alot and if Maria eats before her she goes off on one shes a right little mare! lol and when they are in there run next to harry, Tia will talk to harry and it seems like poor Ri is being left out! so i let Ri see ed alot cos she loves him to bits and ed hasnt quite got the idea that yes that is where babies come from lol!
I think generally even numbers are better for herds because piggys do tend to pair off a bit... but there are excptions of odd numbers that get on fine guess it depend on individual pig personalities. Not had sows so can't say first hand tough. But if yu ask me its a good excuse to get another piggy Lucinda! Can't have Rocky left out can we?
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