Three Piggies Are Off To See Uncle Simon This Afternoon

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furryfriends (TEAS)

Forum Founder
Senior Guinea Pig
Jul 30, 2006
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Director at TEAS (East Hunsbury) Northampton
Angel, Babble and Percy all have appointments today.

Angel had an abscess lanced and drained a fortnight ago, and although she is recovering well there is still a little amount of pus discharging so is needing a check up. She will also need a tidy up of her teeth.

Babble has severe dental disease and is currently needing weekly dentals. We are hoping we can start to stretch the time between appointments to about 10 days shortly.

Percy came to TEAS about a month ago, with the worst overgrown teeth I have seen. He has been a bit up and down, and has got a tooth root abscess in a bottom incisor. He has had a couple of episodes of not eating over the past fortnight, where he has seemed to struggle to swallow, but little and often syringe feeding has got him back on track. It will be interesting to see what Simon thinks could be the cause of this.
Oh bless her, she really has been through it poor thing. Is she still tiny?
That's a lot bigger then when I last saw her, that's great.
Well Percy needed a little work on his teeth, and his top incisors burring. Still no sign of the bottom incisors growing, but his mouth generally looks more healthy. The abscess has healed well. He will see Simon again in a fortnight.

Babble does indeed have ringworm, so she is now on itranfungal. Simon says her teeth were much better today and very little ulceration in her mouth now. He will see her again in a week.

Angel's teeth are now looking good, but the abscess is still discharging some pus. A salivary duct appears to be producing excessive saliva which is draining from the abscess wound. This is making Angel's neck quite sore due to it being wet most of the time. She has got some fucidin cream for the soreness.

Tomorrow little Hazel sees Simon for her check up. She is gaining about 10g a week and isn't quite so tiny any more.
Was Hazels appt not today ?
I had a text to remind me it was 1/12/14 at 16:40pm ;)
Yes it was supposed to be today but took Babble instead as she had started with ringworm. Babble was booked for tomorrow and knew Hazel would be fine until then. x
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