Three or Four

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Feb 6, 2011
Reaction score
Portsmouth, England

Thought I would ask for some advice here as you all seem so great. I don't post too often - but the info you give is always useful.

Anyway - I have 3 young girls (2 are about 10 months old (Cookie and Snowdrop), 1 is about 4/5 months old (Daisy). We recently introduced Daisy to the older two, and all seems to be going ok. There is a bit of rumbling on occasion when one of the older two have a 'mood' and they are all always stealing food off of each other, but there has been no fighting and they often snuggle up to sleep.

We have noticed, on occasion, that Daisy seems a bit left out though - Snowdrop and Cookie will be cuddled up, and Daisy is still with them, but a bit more distant. No one seems unhappy, but am slightly concerned that as the grow up it might become a pair and then Daisy.....

So (all this rambling finally comes to a conclusion!) I was wondering if it might be worth introducing a 4th Piggy to the girls? I have the space to expand the cage further and add in an extra level to provide even more space etc (their 'cage' is actually a run which I can easily add to as I have plenty of floor space).

Thanks for any help you can give! I just want happy piggies and no one to feel left out :D
I don't think Daisy will feel left out, she has piggie company after all. But if you wanted to add another you might end up having to have 2 pairs. It will all depend on your piggies if a newbie is welcomed. If I was you, and had the space, I'd probably try a 4th but it is completely up to you.
I personally wouldn't attempt to bring in a forth, there doesn't seem to be any need to. If Daisy really wasn't being accepted then I would suggested finding her own cage-mate away from the other two. She certainly isn't feeling left out at all, they don't possess that emotion anyway, but you need to give them time but they sound relaxed enough with each other so I wouldn't worry :)
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