Three boars?

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Jul 30, 2011
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Hello! I’m a long time guinea pig owner, first time poster!

I’m here looking for anyone who has experience bonding adult boars? I’ve got a bonded male pair, Sammy and Bobby, but on Monday I rescued another adult piggy, Max, who was being kept alone, outside whatever the weather, no attention.... pretty sad life! My intention was to attempt bonding or set him up with a baby if it failed. Obviously bonding him is better as my two live in a hutch large enough for at least four, they’ll all be able to free range together and I would have no guarantee of bonding with the baby either.

Well, so far so good! He’s had one afternoon of sniffing the others through the run wire, a half hour session with each pig individually and two one hour sessions supervised with both on neutral territory. Whilst it’s not a big love in, they do seem to be accepting each other, all be it warily. They’re still chattering, trying to mount each other and doing a weird kung fu type kick thing and showing each other their teeth – although no biting!

I’ve popped Max in to the hutch to leave his smell about the place while the other boys sit in the run (they’re not pleased about this, they normally free range in and out of the shed and around the garden!), so they can get used to the idea of him being there and he can investigate unhindered. I’m not planning on putting them together just yet, another few meetings and I’ll clean out the cage, put piles of treats and hidey boxes everywhere and supervise them for a day or two before leaving them.

What I want to know is this; how will I know when it’s safe to leave them unsupervised in the hutch? Should I wait until all posturing and mounting has ceased or will they be ok as long as they are not seriously fighting? It all seems to being to plan but all the info says its very difficult to bond adult pigs. Have I got lucky or is it not as hard as they make out?

I would really love to hear other people experiences, I can’t seem to find any success stories on the net!
Well, I had three boars, having rescued two paired boars and then acquiring another (aged 3 wheeks - long story). All went well until the older two fell out of love and the bigger and more dominant one bonded with the youngster. They didn't actually fight, but there was a lot of low level bullying and nipping going on, and the rejected one basically stayed in his hidey place and only came out for food and drink if I was around. Needless to say, I split them up, and all three were happier. Good luck if you try it!
i had 3 together that had been together since they were babies until all hell broke loose once they hit the hormonal stage i now have one loner and a pair for the time being...theres differing opinions on whether you can make it work or not some say yes others say no.

good luck :)
How old is the one you rescued?

If you attempt to bond you could end up with THREE separate boars.

I've been successful so far in bonding my 3 year old William with two boars who were 3 weeks old - they are now 10 weeksish old - they've already become a little hormonal and so far I have managed to keep on top of any spats they may have, but I can't watch them 24/7.

If you wanted to try and bond them, put them all together in the run and watch them like a hawk, as soon as they get aggressive throw a towel over them and take the new boar out.

That's a basic bonding idea - don't just do this though, there will be someone along shortly who knows this far better than I do and will be able to help you out more; as my piggies were bonded by the rescue.
It is possible but, unfortunately, unlikely that you can get three boars to bond in a strong relationship. To be honest, you're quite lucky your current two have bonded well as boars are often difficult to bond.

There's nothing to say you can't try but my concern is that, if it goes wrong, it could potentially erode or even destroy the good relationship between your existing bonded males.

Keeping your new male in a separate cage but in close proximity to the other two might be a safer solution.

I'd love to know what you decide and how it goes. Best of luck either way.
When i was new to guinea pigs i started off with two boars. A few months later, against the advice of everyone on this forum, i added a third. It appeared to work initially but after a few months the third boar was being bullied. The original two wouldnt allow him near the food and he sat in a corner all day. Needless to say i seperated them.

I wish you all the best if you decide to try it but i would advise against it. I would never attempt to bond three boars again, all of mine are in pairs now.
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