this really confuses me! anyone else experienced it or any clues?

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Jun 24, 2011
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ok so my piggie piglet is 5 1/2 months ish and chip is about 4 months theyve been introduced and living togetehr for about a month and half now they get on reasonably well still squabble though nothing majour just little scraps now and then so i feel like they be slightly tolerating each other still. when i take piglet out the cage chip will wheek and wheek for her! and vice versa why do you recon this is i thought due to the scrapping they didnt like each other much atm. any ideas would be good to hear I'm just interested :)
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Just becuase they squabble between themselves doesn't mean that they are not well bonded and hate being left on their own!
Just becuase they squabble between themselves doesn't mean that they are not well bonded and hate being left on their own!

i dont leave them on their own btw i just take them out speratly when weighing them and clipping nails etc :)
My pig Chirpy does that if I take out Patches and she doesn't get to come out at the same time. Your pig misses the other pig :)
My first girls didn't like it at all if they were separated at that age, even if it was only for a very short time!
Its normal for them to squabble, they are sorting out the heirachy and learning to live together. But that doesnt mean they dont like eachother. When Ted and Dougal were young they used to bicker and it drove me mad, the squealing and humping :)) But if we took one out the other would pine so we left them to it.
My younger two boys, Charlie and Simba are the same, they shout like mad even when I just carry them out to the run one at a time
if i take cookie out on her own she screams the place down until she is near one of the others, or if they walk out and leave her she screams, and shes over a year and a half.
When our two boars were a similar age (before they decided they couldn't live together) they were the same as Wiebke's describing. Even two minutes apart for a health check and a weigh and they'd be going mental!

Even now, although they live next door to each other, if you take one out of the room the other will not be best pleased. It's been awful for Caramel when Biscuit has had to go to the vet so often. He's visibly anxious until Biscuit gets back. Then he wants to see him for 5 minutes until he's decided that he still doens't really like him that much and they go their separate ways.

Even squabbling piggies prefer each other's company than being alone or separated. They're very social, herd animals. I really don;t get on with my own brother but I need to know he's alright from time to time :)
Guinea pigs a sociable animals and even though they squabble a bit, it does not mean that they have become un bonded.

They will get lonely very quickly so what is happening is just normal.
My two older boars, Chopper and Harley have the odd spat and rumble with each other, usually if Chopper is anywhere near the spot Harley stashes his veggies :))
When Harley was poorly and had vet trips galore, we would take Chopper along as company for him. When he had to have surgery and we left Chopper at home, Harley almost jumped out of my arms when we got back and he saw his brother, they sat chatting in piggy language for a time - so cute to see x)
When our two boars were a similar age (before they decided they couldn't live together) they were the same as Wiebke's describing. Even two minutes apart for a health check and a weigh and they'd be going mental!

Even now, although they live next door to each other, if you take one out of the room the other will not be best pleased. It's been awful for Caramel when Biscuit has had to go to the vet so often. He's visibly anxious until Biscuit gets back. Then he wants to see him for 5 minutes until he's decided that he still doens't really like him that much and they go their separate ways.

Even squabbling piggies prefer each other's company than being alone or separated. They're very social, herd animals. I really don;t get on with my own brother but I need to know he's alright from time to time :)

What funny little piggies. :)

When Amelia Jane and Peronel were babies they used to get upset if I took one out of the cage. I find it is better to have three piggies so they always have company.

My two boys (6 months old) are litter mates so have always been together. They generally get on very well but do have the odd squabble - mainly over food and sometime do go to sleep in seperate areas of the hutch (one upstairs and one downstairs)

They are both long haired so get brushed daily and then a haircut when their fur gets long. As soon as one of them realises that they are alone in the hutch he squeaks his little head off and you can tell he is desperately trying to work out where the other one is. Whichever guinea pig is on my lap never squeaks back which is funny.

Sounds like its perfectly normal. They do seem to like their own space now and again but do worry if they find themselves alone

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