'this Morning' Is So Sad Today.

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The Furry Godmother

Adult Guinea Pig
Sep 12, 2014
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They've had people phone in and send letters in about being lonely at Christmas.
I have to say, the first letter nearly brought me to tears as he seemed so hopeless - he was 59 I think and he'd been alone for over 20 years and it seemed like nobody bothers with him all talks to him - he ended his letter with 'it's too late for me, but it doesn't have to be for someone else.' Literally heartbreaking :(
The first lady on the phone sounded like she was crying. The third one's son died, it's awful, even the lady that deals with all the letters is crying. :(

I'm too sensitive to listen to this stuff I just end up a blubbering wreck, but hey at least I care I guess, I want to write all of them and give them some company and some happiness.

It's so sad.

So if any of you are spending christmas alone, or miserable, talk to someone, PM me - I know most of us probably won't be alone, but you don't have to be alone to be lonely - trust me.

Last year I had the worst Christmas, I cried near enough all day as my sister was close to death through anorexia and that's all I could think about with it possibly being her last Christmas, there were arguments and much sadness. Thankfully this year she is recovering and I'm looking forward to what will hopefully be a happy Christmas.

So yes, just a pause for thought for those that maybe won't be having a wonderful Christmas.

If you know anyone that may be lonely, just pick up the phone.

I am watching it too. :(Glad it's not only me that's a blubbering wreck. It's awful I feel so sad for the people having nobody to talk to for days/weeks at a time.
They've had people phone in and send letters in about being lonely at Christmas.
I have to say, the first letter nearly brought me to tears as he seemed so hopeless - he was 59 I think and he'd been alone for over 20 years and it seemed like nobody bothers with him all talks to him - he ended his letter with 'it's too late for me, but it doesn't have to be for someone else.' Literally heartbreaking :(
The first lady on the phone sounded like she was crying. The third one's son died, it's awful, even the lady that deals with all the letters is crying. :(

I'm too sensitive to listen to this stuff I just end up a blubbering wreck, but hey at least I care I guess, I want to write all of them and give them some company and some happiness.

It's so sad.

So if any of you are spending christmas alone, or miserable, talk to someone, PM me - I know most of us probably won't be alone, but you don't have to be alone to be lonely - trust me.

Last year I had the worst Christmas, I cried near enough all day as my sister was close to death through anorexia and that's all I could think about with it possibly being her last Christmas, there were arguments and much sadness. Thankfully this year she is recovering and I'm looking forward to what will hopefully be a happy Christmas.

So yes, just a pause for thought for those that maybe won't be having a wonderful Christmas.

If you know anyone that may be lonely, just pick up the phone.

Glad your sister is doing better this year. It's a terrible illness anorexia.
I am watching it too. :(Glad it's not only me that's a blubbering wreck. It's awful I feel so sad for the people having nobody to talk to for days/weeks at a time.
Me to and it's just something I guess we don't think about as we just get on with our lives, ever so sad, I hope they can help them all!

And thank you :) xx
Aww what an awful story. The thought of anyone being alone, be it christmas or ay any time goes through me. It's so sad, especially the elderly. It's lovely that you are reaching out and encouraging others to do so!
Aww what an awful story. The thought of anyone being alone, be it christmas or ay any time goes through me. It's so sad, especially the elderly. It's lovely that you are reaching out and encouraging others to do so!
I know I often worry about my nan as she spends much time alone, but then she won't do anything to improve the situation. :(

Thank you, I just would like people to have a nice Christmas, nobody deserves to be alone if they've done nothing wrong. (Criminals deserve it)
I think I am spending New Year alone. Possibly part of Christmas. Not sure how I feel :/
I will be alone for most of it apart from Christmas Day as the OH is volunteering for Crisis. I do have family I can visit though and I have to work the following Monday. Anyone who is alone should post on here on the day as am sure a few of us will be on here.
I will be alone on new year. Before I met my boyfriend I spent Christmas totally alone. I hate this time of year as it highlights how alone I am.
I always feel lonely this time of the year. I feel even worse for people who have no family because at least I have my mum and dad.

Poor guys. :(
I try not to watch This morning, or when I do, I turn it over when this sort of thing comes on. It is too upsetting to watch!
...Life is nothing without family or pets...
I will be alone on new year. Before I met my boyfriend I spent Christmas totally alone. I hate this time of year as it highlights how alone I am.
I have never believed new year is a celebration, as it shows you are getting older and time goes so quick.
New year depresses me, it always has since I lost my Grandad in 2002. Seems I always look for what in going to lose.
I cried last week when they talked about loneliness on Radio 4. I think it was Womans Hour.
I'm lucky at the moment as I have a husband and small children but am terrified of being alone and have always hated it. I went to boarding school and loved it. I always try to surround myself in a group, I'm a great joiner of clubs and committees.
I should have lived in a commune!
Iv kinda been on my own for 8years I have 3sons tho its not the same as 2 of them are adhd n youngest also has few more probs to and we all have anxiety disorders panick attick too I feel so along somedays n they take up all my time 24/7 I feel for the one who are on ther own tho odd times wish I could swap with them for a day x
Iv kinda been on my own for 8years I have 3sons tho its not the same as 2 of them are adhd n youngest also has few more probs to and we all have anxiety disorders panick attick too I feel so along somedays n they take up all my time 24/7 I feel for the one who are on ther own tho odd times wish I could swap with them for a day x
Ohhh that's so hard!! My children are 23 and 18 now and i long for the days when I had to care for them 24/7 , so as hard as I k ow it has to be for you try to find some joy even in the brief moments! We all three have anxiety disorderss to some degree my daughter has OCD. As for holidays they have been tough for me, lost my. mom at Christmas time and my brother on New Years eve..years ago but still painful. Keeping it fun for the kids were the best years! And this year the 2 piggies will be here for the first time! So that should help
I don't find New Year depressing. I think "YAY! I survived another year!" Some of my friends have not been so lucky :(
Furry godmother you have me in tears.Puts things in perspective for me.I have my two youngest at home and my eldest son I'd coming christmas day.Will get a phone call from my eldest daughter and my grandsons.I am very lucky, others aren't.
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