This Is The End Of The Road...

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Junior Guinea Pig
Mar 2, 2014
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Hi guys.

UPDATE on Popcorn & Bullet.

I love my beautiful handsome boys super loads & I've got to do what's right for them.

I would say I was an okay carer but I can't supply and give the love & care they need. I didn't realise that Texel guinea pigs need efficient care. I can supply only half of there needs. I feel like I'm too young to have this responsibility. Don't get me wrong guinea pigs are one of the best pets I've owned.. but I can't give them what they need.

I can't give them what they deserve, I can't supply the full attention and happiness they should be getting.

I've made a hopefully right choice to look for new options for them both. I've found the place 'Hatton Guinea Pig Village' which looks absolutely amazing. I'm going to be ringing them shortly to see if my babies can get a place there. I'm sure they'd love living there and getting the right care they need & maybe they can meet some new friends.

I'll definitely be there a few times a month to checkup on my boys and potentially there new friends which would be great to ease my upset and pain I'm feeling.

Love you boys so much & I hope you know I'm doing this for your benefit not mine. If I could care for you guys the way that someone else can I would. This is so hard for me so please don't write any nasty comments. :(.

I hope someone else agrees with me out there :bye:

Love you boys so much, until you go I'm going to give you my full love and spend every last minute with you... taking selfies :D, giving you greens, hugs, kisses and much more :( I'll miss you guys so much. Love you my little troopers.

Daddy x :mal::td:
Oh Luke, I'm so sorry this has happened and you feel this way. You clearly love your boys so much. Is there any help/advice we can give you to help you keep your boys. What part of their care are you struggling with?

We do not think badly of you at all for making this decision - it is totally selfless - you are putting their needs first and that makes you a wonderful daddy.
:(. It's not any ones fault. It's what they need.
I love them to the world, there the reason I am strong there my beautiful friends.
I think it's time I put them first and make sure they get a happy life because there still young. I'll deffiantly visit them so much and donate to help it
keep running.

Thanks for your reassurance. Thanks I hope I've been the best I can to my guineas as I love all of them. xx
Oh your boys are absolutely gorgeous!

I'm sorry you feel you have to give them up. You sound like a wonderful owner in my opinion. My only worry is if your boys are dominant a farm might not be the best place for both of them? I always thought farms were female piggies as they can be kept in big groups? I have no idea so just asking really.

Luke, are you sure you can't keep one of them? As the boys have fallen out, even if they are cage mates its fine to get them new friends and split them. Genes have nothing to do, its all about character comparability. You could get a smooth haired guinea pig to go with your existing texal?

Either way, whatever you choose to do, I think you are a really good owner, especially as you seem young?
I am sorry you have to give them up but please take them to a rescue. That is the only way they will find a loving home. They do home checks so your boys will be loved and well cared for.
Hi guys, thanks for your comments. I've rang up around 3 places now and the farm said no they only
take in females.

I'm trying to now find local ish guinea pig rescues to make sure they go to a beautiful home.

I can't keep them as I don't feel I can do it that much. When I'm older I'll be more responsible to take on guineas but for my childhood
I think a hamster is suitable.
If you lived closer I would have taken them in, I think you are making a sensible decision though from what I have read :)
so sorry you have had to make this decision but you are doing an amazing thing putting their needs first. I had a texel and they are hard work.When you are older whatever piggies come your way will be extremely lucky. You could put them on the rehoming section here as well. If you needed help in choosing a home I'm sure someone more knowledgeable than me could help you.
Oh bless you Luke. What a tough decision for you to make. I hope you can find a suitable rescue to take them from you, otherwise you could put their details on the re homing thread on here as madguinealady has said. You clearly love your boys and want the best for them. Just a shame it hasn't worked out for them and you. I bet in adulthood you will come back to cavy keeping. It's an addiction few of us can shake ;)
You have made a very brave decision, it is going to be hard for you but please just remember that you are doing the right thing by your piggies to make sure they get all of the care they need.
Thanks all. I'm searching for rescues tried around 5 but
no joy which sucks. But not giving up. I'll do a thread
on here in hope to find my babies a new home! :)
Luke, I can't believe what a grown up decision you have made, you are really brave, and it would make a much better world if there where more young people like you who don't just abandon their beloved pets ( that's how I came to get Guiness- because the little girl grew bored) I am sure that you will find the right place for them , I too would love to take them but with 5 other boys, I think it would be hard for them to fit in.
Give them both a big kiss and love from me
Thanks so much everyone just hoping that I find someone. :) Fingers crossed. x
My heart is breaking for you Luke! Its a very hard decision but a brave one and the right one if you feel you aren't able to give them as much as you would like to. I've just looked at the link and its very well written and I'm sure you will find someone to give them a happy life.

Good Luck with finding them home - I wish I were able to take them - and good luck with your exams.
Ohh this brought a little tear to my eye! I hope you find someone who will love them as much as you clearly do!
Luke, what a mature, thoughtful, young man you are. I wish you all the luck in rehoming your boys. One day when you are in a better position you will have the opportunity to have some again and what a great owner you will be. X
I can completely understand, I had to make the difficult decision to rehome 2 of my girls in November due to falling out and failing to bond with my others. I was unable to house them singularly or give each individual quality time so I thought it was best for them to live with a neutered boar in a lovely big cage/hutch with a new loving family. I miss them so much but they're in great hands now and have new friends! Luckily I am still in touch with Bella as her owner is a member in here!

Please don't feel bad or worry what other people say, if you feel its right then definitely go ahead and do it. Good luck xx
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