This is Faun

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Faun is a Cuy Boar from the 14th of January this year. He has Polidactyl (very common with pure bred Cuy's) and I thought I'd show you a picture or 2 haha


This picture is taken of one of his front feet

And offcourse another picture from is back feet
I'm curious why the polydactyl should occur in a pure bred animal when it's normally a sign of in-breeding? My pig Jack had this on one of his back feet, it totally freaked me out, the way the toe just dangled and he had no control over it.
In Peru most of the Cuy have it, this has a bit to do with them having to walk over rocky inviorement. It's a bit like a monkey's hand, that has been build to grap branches, so have the Cuyfeet developt to make it easier to walk over rocky places
gus and jack said:
I'm curious why the polydactyl should occur in a pure bred animal when it's normally a sign of in-breeding? My pig Jack had this on one of his back feet, it totally freaked me out, the way the toe just dangled and he had no control over it.

Don't some breeders or most inbred their pure animals to get more pure breds, this is what this could of happend, although I have a silver agouti who have extremely similar markings and it not pure *is highly confused*
Lol His feet are unique though! :p


lol they'd make a lovely couple dont you think?
Smileer said:
oOOOo thats so interesting :o What is a cuy? I'm still confused about that...

I think cuy just means cavy :)

Cuy is spanish I think
Lol haha, thanks :D
It's also the spanish that cook and eat cuy, (theres images of it on google, nearly made myself sick)
I knew cuy meant cavy but I didn't know what language (kinda cheated on finding out 'Cuy' is a spanish word)
Cuy is what we call the bigger breed of cavy. They where official bred for their meat.

All the toes on Faun's feet got bones in them.

With the Cuy there where some breeders hoe crossed them with normal piggies, those Cuy never have polidactyl. Others had to breed back in the beginning, because here the Cuy are very rare. Nowadays I have a strong line (without normal piggies bred in) and with good blood. Although I still am looking for a good breeder (saw one in Germany) where I can buy some fresh blood (Oeh that sounds weird) so I don't get stuck with my own line.
I could never eat guinea pigs *throws up*
I prefere my guinea pigs alive and well, I can't believe the images on google though!
Ah well I spose i've eaten crocodile, so whatever floats people boats (refering to the pictures on googe)

If all the toes have bones in then they're fine lol, looks unique :p
Haha I don't know if I coul eat a piggie, I mean if someone gave me something to eat and I didn't know what it was. Well maybe one would like it, but no not if I knew what I had on my plate
lol I know I couldn't eat it, I never try anything new. I'm an extremely picky eater lmao
Babouschka said:
In Peru most of the Cuy have it, this has a bit to do with them having to walk over rocky inviorement. It's a bit like a monkey's hand, that has been build to grap branches, so have the Cuyfeet developt to make it easier to walk over rocky places

Never knew that. :)

He really has unusual polydactyl. I mean here in UK, often the extra toe is just hanging
When a piggie has more then his or her usual set of toes, they have polidactyl. It just means that they have more toes then usual
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