This is awful..

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Oh my god, how awful! But why did they all have to be put down? Also how can you impose a ban on her keeping animals. She could so easily go out and get more and who would stop her! I really hope she doesn't! She should have been put down not the rabbits!

That is so sad! :'( :'( :'(

When I look down at my little bunny sleeping here by my feet I really cannot understand how people can treat little animals in this way! EVIL!
OMG that's disgusting i'm thinking real bad thought about that 'person' :tickedoff: :tickedoff: :tickedoff: :tickedoff: >:D >:D >:D >:D

Poor little bunnies what a terrible life for them, they were probably all ill with disease :'( :'( :'( :'(
Omg poor babies! The RSPCA would keep checking her house for animals wouldnt they? I feel so sorry for them!
Thats the kind of breeding NOT to do :(
kellyandpiggies said:
:'( How sad, she should've been put down! >:( >:(

I couldnt agree more,treat the so called owners like the animals and see how they like it,damn woman >:( >:( >:(
kellyandpiggies said:
:'( How sad, she should've been put down! >:( >:(

I totally agree with you there Kelly, how bluddy tragic that they lived the life they did only to be pts :'(
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