This Dominance Thing

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Junior Guinea Pig
Sep 19, 2015
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I don't have any problems with my two guys but who knows what's gonna happen tomorrow!

I've read up about dominance rituals but I'm still not sure about the timeline. I've got two boys around eight weeks old. They've been together for one month. One seems a little bossy but I think that's because his mate is shy. There's been no fighting apart from squabbling over fresh leaves, they run around together, sleep together, no unusual behaviour.

Have they already gone through the 'who's boss' routine or is that still to come? I'm not sure at what age/time that's most likely to happen. they seem to be settled together and as I said there have been no great fights.
I am no expert by any means! I have two boys who are about 16 weeks old. They did do the dominance thing when we first had them - nothing too bad, no fighting but one def us top pig! With our two from time to time the dominant one likes to remind the other one - when we give them a new toy, or if I clean the hutch or if the smaller one humps the dominant one too much! So I would say it may be that they do it again later. In the last couple of weeks mine have been at it again and I think from reading on here they are now teenagers so hormones are flying!
Another month or so and you'll be heading into the adolescent stage with them - this will last until they are approximately a year old. Things can get a little tetchy during this time, although it bodes well that they seem to have very different personalities. There may be some significant dominance behaviour shown during the adolescent period, or none at all. Don't panic if there is more rumbling/teeth chattering - they are literally showing off - think human teenage boys! There may be some snapping, but don't split them up, unless there is blood drawn (by this, something beyond a nip). They have been together for a time now, so are used to each other. I've got two boys who were in a similar situation - they are right in the middle of the hormonal stage, but so far so good, as they already had a bond before it all kicked in.

What size is their accommodation? The bigger, the better, particularly with hormonal boys!
Thanks for your feedback guys. I'm hoping they don't have a big fallout but ready with an extra cage if they do.

@MintyAndGarry (TEAS) they're sharing 1 sq. m
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