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Thirsty Piggie Help


Junior Guinea Pig
Jan 7, 2017
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I am posting this because I can't fathom what's up with my piggie. I'm booking him in to vets next week but just seeing if anyone has ideas before then.
He's been really thirsty as of late. Always going to his bottle bit last couple weeks I've found a wet corner where his bottle is. I thought maybe bottle dripping or leaking but that doesn't seem the case.
Hes eating fine. And still active and sociable... But this wet corner appears every few days !
I'm thinking he may be diabetic or something.
Any ideas?

Are you absolutely sure the bottle isn't leaking? That seems to be a lot of wee for just 1 piggy and it is just under the bottle. You could try getting a different bottle and see if the same things happens. I have the classic bottles for my piggies and unless they are strictly upright they do tend to leak. I have just bought some springs for mine instead of the pathetic peace of bit wire that comes with the bottles and it has solved the problem of leakage.
Ive been watching it (the sad person I am) and i haven't seen it drip. Not that much over night anyways ! I've secured it higher up the bottle so that it's more upright too.
I'm sure it can't be wee but there isn't much sign of wee patches elsewhere now I've looked again ...
I'm more concerned that he may not be swallowing properly. I've limited his foods to monitor his intake and not much has been touched. But then he'll chomp on a spinach leaf of offered ... Hmmm
But then regardless of the puddle, he is drinking rather excessively which is also my concern.
I am posting this because I can't fathom what's up with my piggie. I'm booking him in to vets next week but just seeing if anyone has ideas before then.
He's been really thirsty as of late. Always going to his bottle bit last couple weeks I've found a wet corner where his bottle is. I thought maybe bottle dripping or leaking but that doesn't seem the case.
Hes eating fine. And still active and sociable... But this wet corner appears every few days !
I'm thinking he may be diabetic or something.
Any ideas?

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That looks rather like a leaking bottle, very messy drinking or very dicoloured urine to me.

- have you replaced the bottle to exclude leaking?
- have you placed a drip bowl underneath to monitor the spillage?
- have you booked an appointment at your vet if there is a health issue if you can safely exclude the first two points?
Increased drinking can be due to an issue in the urinary tract (URI, cystitis or kidneys,) or much rarer as diabetes, where it is usually connected to weight loss. If the patch is caused by strongly oxidising urine, it argues more for an issue with the urinary tract. I would recommend to move the bottle and to spot clean beneath it daily.
I find that piggies who drink a lot tend to spill a lot. Every time they tug and pull at the bottle and let go it will drip, so if they are making frequent trips to the bottle the amount that is spilled soon adds up.

Some piggies just like to drink a lot especially if they are eating a lot of hay and nuggets.

Hopefully when you see your vet they will be able to diagnose if it is one of the medical conditions mentioned above.
I find that piggies who drink a lot tend to spill a lot. Every time they tug and pull at the bottle and let go it will drip, so if they are making frequent trips to the bottle the amount that is spilled soon adds up.

Some piggies just like to drink a lot especially if they are eating a lot of hay and nuggets.

Hopefully when you see your vet they will be able to diagnose if it is one of the medical conditions mentioned above.

This is what I thought might be happening.
I've bought a new bottle just in a casr and moved it. So can see if he likes to pee in that corner still.
I'll be booking him in tomorrow when I have time to go so will find out more then I guess xx