Thirsty Pig?

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New Born Pup
May 3, 2016
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My Guinea pig Pip seems to bite at her bottle teat. Her old plastic 'classic crystal deluxe midi bottle' seemed to leak a lot possibly because she was so rough with it. I replaced her bottle with a 'non-drip living world' glass bottle but she is still very 'bitey'. I am concerned she is not getting enough water or that her teeth will get stuck in the tip. I have a video but not sure how to post it!

Anyone else had this happen?
Jamie and Pip
My Guinea pig Pip seems to bite at her bottle teat. Her old plastic 'classic crystal deluxe midi bottle' seemed to leak a lot possibly because she was so rough with it. I replaced her bottle with a 'non-drip living world' glass bottle but she is still very 'bitey'. I am concerned she is not getting enough water or that her teeth will get stuck in the tip. I have a video but not sure how to post it!

Anyone else had this happen?
Jamie and Pip

Some guinea pigs of mine bite water instead of licking it. They have never really figured out how to use a water bottle properly. You will probably find that you are going through quite a number of bottles...

Drinking varies enormously from piggy to piggy and also depends on climate, temperature etc. If you are worried, you could consider placing a drip dish underneath the bottle where she can drink out of if she wishes to.
When she was very little I had to show her the bottle because she wasn't drinking from it so maybe she never got the hang of it!

Thank you, the drip dish is a nice idea. The bottle definitely releases water so I think/hope she is getting the water she needs!


If you suspect a drinking problem, checking the bottle is always the first stop, but as you were mentioning dripping bottles, I didn;t think that stuck spouts were an issue.
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