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Thinning hair patch


New Born Pup
Sep 8, 2024
Reaction score
Newfoundland and labrador
my guinea pig is a 5 year old male, and has been itching at a spot on his side for a couple days now, not really excessive itching, just every so often. i had him out today and he scratched at this spot, so i decided to take a look, he is a fairly long haired pig so when i seen the short thin patch of hair i was kinda concerned. its not red, and there’s no lump there. i’m not sure what it is?
Welcome to the forum

Please have him seen by a vet.
When a piggy concentrates on scratching/biting and a specific area, it generally indicates pain/discomfort in that area. The vet will need to determine what the issue is.

I hope he is ok
Welcome to the forum

Please have him seen by a vet.
When a piggy concentrates on scratching/biting and a specific area, it generally indicates pain/discomfort in that area. The vet will need to determine what the issue is.

I hope he is ok
okay thank you very much, i will see what i can do. do you have an idea of how much a vet bill would be for something like this?
this is what it looks like.


I am very sorry. Vet access for guinea pig owners in Canada is generally not very good; especially not in the Maritimes as we know from other members.

It looks rather like a case of self-barbering so the rather localised pain/discomfort could be sitting under the skin and not necessarily on it.

It doesn't look like a ringworm patch (fungal skin infection). Have you checked his hairs, especially the underlayers for tiny egg cases fixed to the hairs - when you feel it, it is like teeny beeds on a teeny string (hay mites). It is not a typical are area for mange mites, either. In this case you can sometimes feel tiny bumps in the skin (egg cases) and your piggy squirms when you touch a mange mites spot.

Thinning can sometimes point to a metabolic problem. How is his weight? Is it stable?
Can you feel a lump underneath?

Here are more things that a vet may check for: Guinea Lynx :: Hair Loss

I am very sorry. Vet access for guinea pig owners in Canada is generally not very good; especially not in the Maritimes as we know from other members.

It looks rather like a case of self-barbering so the rather localised pain/discomfort could be sitting under the skin and not necessarily on it.

It doesn't look like a ringworm patch (fungal skin infection). Have you checked his hairs, especially the underlayers for tiny egg cases fixed to the hairs - when you feel it, it is like teeny beeds on a teeny string (hay mites). It is not a typical are area for mange mites, either. In this case you can sometimes feel tiny bumps in the skin (egg cases) and your piggy squirms when you touch a mange mites spot.

Thinning can sometimes point to a metabolic problem. How is his weight? Is it stable?
Can you feel a lump underneath?

Here are more things that a vet may check for: Guinea Lynx :: Hair Loss
i checked his fur, he’s always had little black dots on his fur, closer to the ends of the hairs, but i’ve always thought he was just dirty, he’s never shown any discomfort with those, closer to the skin he’s got what almost looks like dry skin, it looks like little white flakes, i’m not sure what i’m looking for so i’m not sure what’s normal and what’s not. he’s never liked being touched or pet on his back/bottom, he makes an annoyed squeaking noise at me and sometimes jumps away, he was doing that earlier when i was trying to look at his patch for a second time, but he was a lot more upset and jumpy when we were touching in those areas.i weighed him yesterday and he is kinda underweight, he’s 1.8 pounds, i had to weigh him on a regular human scale because i don’t have anything smaller. i’m not sure if that’s too underweight for his age.
i checked his fur, he’s always had little black dots on his fur, closer to the ends of the hairs, but i’ve always thought he was just dirty, he’s never shown any discomfort with those, closer to the skin he’s got what almost looks like dry skin, it looks like little white flakes, i’m not sure what i’m looking for so i’m not sure what’s normal and what’s not. he’s never liked being touched or pet on his back/bottom, he makes an annoyed squeaking noise at me and sometimes jumps away, he was doing that earlier when i was trying to look at his patch for a second time, but he was a lot more upset and jumpy when we were touching in those areas.i weighed him yesterday and he is kinda underweight, he’s 1.8 pounds, i had to weigh him on a regular human scale because i don’t have anything smaller. i’m not sure if that’s too underweight for his age.

If he has had black dots stuck in his fur then that can indicate he has parasites and needs proper diagnosis and treatment.

There is no age to weight ratio. What you are looking for is that his weight is stable (or going up if he is young). The number on the scales does not tell you that he is over or underweight - it simply tells you about his food intake. There is a huge range for healthy weights for adult piggies.

The way to determine a piggy is over or under weight is by checking their heft - you put your hands around his ribs and see what you can feel.

You need to use a kitchen scale. A human scale is not likely to be accurate for such a small animal
