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Thinning fur on back


New Born Pup
Aug 31, 2021
Reaction score
Hi guys,
My lovely teddy sow seems to be missing some of her fur on her back / rump area. I haven’t really seen her itching or anything so don’t know if it could be mites.
Just wondering if anyone has any ideas?


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Hi guys,
My lovely teddy sow seems to be missing some of her fur on her back / rump area. I haven’t really seen her itching or anything so don’t know if it could be mites.
Just wondering if anyone has any ideas?

Please have her vet checked as to whether it could be mites or a mechanical abrasion. Do not home treat on spec with pet shop products - even the 'vet strength' ones are not designed to get on top of an acute outbreak.
What a lovely girl 💕 I see there are some flaky white bits as well. Sometimes if they are older and a bit stiff you don't see them scratch so much as it's difficult for them. She needs a vet check for sure - and if you have other pigs living with her you might have to potentially be prepared to treat them all at the same time if it's something contagious. Good luck fuzzy girl x
I also agree that a vet check would be a good idea to find out what is going on.