Thinking of changing cages


Senior Guinea Pig
Forum Buddy
Nov 22, 2020
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Hi everyone,

I’m thinking of upgrading Percy and Peppers house. They currently live in the garage. There are a few reasons for this:

1. It’s killing my back cleaning out the bottom level. I have a back issue that will not be getting any better. Probably worse. 🙁

2. It would give them more space

3. If I put the new hutch on a table I could store their hay etc underneath to save space in the garage too.


I’m really scared that it could upset their bond. They get on absolutely fine but I know how fragile the bond can be. It would break my heart if they didn’t get on anymore. I have had four single piggies in the past and really don’t want that again. At the moment sometimes one will be upstairs and one downstairs. So they can choose their own space. If I get a single storey hutch they would always be together. That might annoy them. Obviously I would put in two “bedrooms” at either end. Also there are two bowls for nuggets, two water bottles and two separate piles of hay. But in a single hutch I wouldn’t really want to clutter it up with too much. Am I over thinking this? Should I just leave them be? Or just do it? 😬

Also what would be the best single storey hutch to get? Recommendations welcome.

Cheers everyone 😊
If the new cage is bigger and they still can get away from each other, I can't see why they would fall out, but I guess you never know 🤷‍♀️ I can't recommend any hutches as my piggies live indoors.
Good luck!
If the new cage is bigger and they still can get away from each other, I can't see why they would fall out, but I guess you never know 🤷‍♀️ I can't recommend any hutches as my piggies live indoors.
Good luck!
Thank you. I’d love them to live inside but my husband has hayfever and asthma. 🙁. Boo.
How big is their current set up?
I think if that works, and you could replicate a similar size in a new hutch that would be easier for you to manage then it should be worth a try.

How old are they and how long have they been together?
If they are just entering their teens then now is probabably not a good time to change things, but if they have been together a while and are 2+ then it could actually be fine.

Plus I always think some of the taller single story hutches could easily have a bed platform with a very shallow ramp added creating a second level.
Yes they are both under two. So maybe now isn’t the right time. I really love your idea about making a raised extra level. Never thought of that. Thanks
I have a double storey hutch but don’t use it as such - the ramp hatch is permanently closed.
From late spring to early autumn live downstairs and free roam the shed so the bottom of the hutch is open to the shed. They have a hide in either end of the hutch and the rest out in the shed floor. The upstairs of the hutch is used just as storage space in summer.
During winter, I move them downstairs to play during the day but at they get moved upstairs at night as it’s easier to keep it warm. They both sleep in the bedroom part upstairs together.

I find that being on a single level in this new hutch works much better for them than when they did have their old double hutch (I couldn’t close the floor off on the old hutch without modifying the hutch). My two don’t tend to have territorial issues but the ramp did mean they lost space so now passing each other without a ramp in works much better for them
Thanks. Lots to think about. Hmmmm. They are very happy at the mo. It’s my back that’s making me question the set up. My gut feeling is to leave them as they are for now so they don’t fall out. I was even thinking of paying someone to clean them out for me! But I love clean out day. 🤨