Think Before You Get A Long Hair Guinea Pig!

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Junior Guinea Pig
Aug 23, 2013
Reaction score
I would say I am experienced in looking after guinea pigs. Ive always had short hair boys.

When my last pig died a few years back in decided that there was a pig shaped hole in my heart and thus I ended up with two, scruffy looking little girls.

Little did i know that their hair would soon be floor length and wild. Their hair literally drags on the floor behind them, they look like dust sweepers.

As cute as that is, the work to maintain it is not. I have to bathe their bottoms, untangle the hair from their feet when they have little running sprints and give them hair cuts regularly.

I used to just trim their 'skirts', but now their whole bottom end gets cut short.

It looks like Edward Scissor-hands got hold of them this time. I wrestle them into a towel and ignore the dramatic squeaking and squealing like an actual farm yard pig and go at their bottom ends with scissors.

So although the scruffy little pig in the pet shop looks super cute, are you prepared for an hours wrestle every few weeks with dramatic, over the top 'youre killing me!' squeals?

20140426_103913.webp ^this times hair cut. Poor things will never be show pigs!
Neither will mine ever be show pigs... Shot bum and sides, too! But they have a happy piggy life! It can look like you end up with more cut off hair than pig - especially with the extra short haircut in summer!

PS: In spring, I put the cut hair outside in the garden to use for bird to nest.

PS2: Stuffing the mouth with some grass or favourite veg during the "pig slaughtering" session can help, as can taking them out of the room into less familiar surroundings.
We have the exact task ahead of us today... two flailing long haired pigs but it gives us an excuse afterwards to go to the pub to get over the slave trauma...

Lisa & Ali..x
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