Think A Fight Might Be Brewing


Adult Guinea Pig
Jun 19, 2017
Reaction score
Kirkintilloch, Glasgow
I've got my boys out for floor time, and Chicco started chasing Groucho - fast and serious. Then I noticed Chicco had a mouthful of fur and there's a clump of fur on the carpet. Groucho was squeaking loudly at him They've all retreated to their mini-cage now and Chicco's rumblestrutting Little Dude. The rumblestrutting is fairly normal, but never seen chasing like that, nor 'biting' if that was what it was. Keeping an eye on this tonight. I keep hoping I might be one of the lucky ones with three bonded boys, then they do something like this. It was chattering and a skirmish the last time. Not feeling quite so confident now.
I've got my boys out for floor time, and Chicco started chasing Groucho - fast and serious. Then I noticed Chicco had a mouthful of fur and there's a clump of fur on the carpet. Groucho was squeaking loudly at him They've all retreated to their mini-cage now and Chicco's rumblestrutting Little Dude. The rumblestrutting is fairly normal, but never seen chasing like that, nor 'biting' if that was what it was. Keeping an eye on this tonight. I keep hoping I might be one of the lucky ones with three bonded boys, then they do something like this. It was chattering and a skirmish the last time. Not feeling quite so confident now.
Oh I do hope they settle down again. Are they all the same age group or varied? Hormones on the rise?
Oh I do hope they settle down again. Are they all the same age group or varied? Hormones on the rise?
Two are about 6 months and Little Dude is about 5 months, so, yes, right in the height of the hormones - with a long way to go. I am prepared, and have 'plan B' sorted, but I keep hoping I won't need it. lol
unfortunatley boar trios of under a year have a high faliure rate,but you are prepared ! as you have stated this is all normal dominance behaviour. i find a prelude to a lock on fight invariable is teeth chattering clacking loudly,circling each other before a pounce at each other,then bang there locked into a vicious ball,but never use your hands to seperate,to my peril,i had a boar clinging from my index finger with his two front teeth inserted ! use a towel or something soft to seperate them.just observe and see how they go,but if any bite marks appear you may need to look at other options.Good luck.:hug:
Thanks @eileen I checked Groucho over and can't see any injuries, although he hid in the hay bag and I couldn't get him out for ages so he was clearly upset by it. I also put them back in their big cage and haven't heard any more commotion. I've seen a full on 'this isn't working' which is why I've got the three (one was supposed to be paired with a foster boar, but they REALLY didn't like each other), and I agree, serious teeth chattering and yawning, followed by facing up and lunging was how it went. Still keeping my eye on things with these three. It will be a shame if it breaks down, as they've been together since birth.
Still all friends, eating from the same bowl - there's another in the main body of the cage so they have options, they just seem to prefer finishing one together then moving on to the other one. I'm going to stick to this thread to help monitor their relationship.IMG_20170922_0858335_rewind.webp IMG_20170922_0858335_rewind.webp IMG_20170922_0858335_rewind.webp