They Were Fighting This Morning!

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Adult Guinea Pig
Aug 24, 2014
Reaction score
Wirral, Merseyside
Right, last night I posted a happy post on here saying that it was the first time I've been online in agesss! Then coincidently, I've just seen the pigs act in a way that they never have before- both Milan and Effie were squaring up to eachother then Effie threw herself at him, causing Milan to end up on his back and unable to get up for quite a few seconds. I'm absolutely devastated and have no idea what to do. I've just given them their morning nuggets as a distraction so they're happily eating those. I have a new job now so don't work from home anymore so I have no idea what to do!
Oh also, I forgot to add- just before they started to fight, they were doing zoomies around the cage. They both when to run through the log tunnel at the same time from opposite ends and ran into eachother face on. After this was when they started to fight
If it was a brief face off and has since calmed down then I wouldn't worry about it too much. If it continues though and especially if blood is drawn then it's time to worry. They do tend to have the odd tiff here and there to just remind each other who's boss, but those don't generally last too long and shouldn't draw blood. They can be nerve-wracking to watch though.
They have calmed down and are minding their own business now. I'm just really worried that it will escalate while I'm not watching them

As long as Milan is not picking up on it, there is no problem. I would not panic.
Jumping at another piggy is actually not aggression in itself. It translates as "stay away from me" in rather strong guinea pig language. Sows also swipe with their back feet to keep a boar or another sow at a distance. Milan was obviously surprised by it and didn't brace or back up.

But it didn't sound like a fight to me, just Effie making clear that there was a limitation and not to presume.
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