they keep flattening it

  • Thread starter Thread starter CharlottiesPiggies
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bit worried tonight bout Merry & Rosie, i crammed their house full of straw and shavings right? thinking they'll be ok, just been to check and they've flattened it all down and they are sitting on top looking cold :( this is the 2nd day, I want them to be all snuggly and inside it all....what can I do or what can I get to make sure they arent cold
What about Hay instead of Straw?
I stuff mine with Hay, but make a little enterance hole and they run through it and sit under the hay :) :smitten:
well i put shavings/newspaper as a base layer to absorb wee, then i had lotsa hay and straw with some shredded jay clothes from wilko's, but its not doing any good,

i might try making a hole though Soph...thanks
I have a similar problem. My 2 boys Sunshine and Twinkle are in a hutch but indoors and Twinks loves lying underneath the hay rack. I just think they love to lay in hay! :D
i dont think you should let them bed in straw as its too sharp and may cause an injury to the eyes.. hay is best because its more soft :)
ok well i mean we use to keep the others on straw, i prefer straw because hay is full of seeds that could get in the eyes and cause sore-ness - I mean its personal preference, but I might keep them on a mix of both, i might shove them out tommorrow, and fluff it up for the evening and that, i dont know....
I've never had seeds in hay. A nice soft bag of meadow hay from Wilko's is ideal for sleeping on and I use barn dried timothy hay for eating. They have the option then of munching on the softer hay if the need to. :)
yeh i use the meadow hay as well, I dont know...i guess i'll trial and error it different things for a while :smitten:
i wouldnt use straw either as it can poke in their eyes. although pparently the really short cropped straw like the one you can get at wilkos isnt too bad.

if you find a really nice hay with long strands i find they dont flatten it so boys like to tunnel through and sleep under it all.

otherwise they just flatten it
Yeah it's trial and error. I had mine on shavings (now allergic to them) and hay, then I changed to Megazorb and now we are on fleece. You have to try different things to find what works for you. Now they are on fleece I've cut my bedding bill down so I can offer more veggies! :)
i started out on recycled paper, but it wasnt very absorbant so switched to carefresh. then it became too expensive so i switched to newspaper and hay. then we stopped getting free papers delivered so i switched to fleece. didnt like fleece so switched to megazorb. and have been on megazorb with hay in a corner ever since :)
how much is sounds expensive, i dont mind so much the absorbency, at this time of year its keeping them warm, hence why i have a meadow hay/straw/shavings/jcloth mix
£5.26 for a 3 foot bag! It's so great, I only stopped using once I brought pigs indoors. You can get it from a horse feed shop.
ah ok, well i will use it as a last resort - thanks for the advice guys
i recommend it, its very absorbant, and great for the price lasts ages. if you only have 2 piggies it will last over a month depending on what cage you have. when my boys were in a nero 3 a bag of megazorb lasted 6 weeks. now they are in a 5x2 foot C+C cage it lasts about 3-4 weeks depending how messy they have been
my guinea pigs maisy and star, always, flatten down their bedding, unless it's really cold, then they will bury themselves in it.
The other two Charlie and Toffee, have a pet cushion (fluffy one side and cotton the other) on top of their hay and they like to lay underneath it and make a nest and use it like a duvet, nice and snug, tried it with the other two, they just sit on top of the cushion and wee on it. So it doesn't work for them at all.
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