Junior Guinea Pig
Hi all, i have 2 male piggies , they used to be in 1 hutch and 1 run for the first 3 to 4 months of there lives , But they started to fight so i was told by the vet to seperate them, now all they do is eat and sleep . I have them in the run now they have been in there runs for about 2 hours and they dont do anything at all just sit in a shoe box i made for them as a house you know. They are on the grass but dont even eat the grass , but when i put them back in there hutches they will wistle for food , they want me to get them some grass cheaks lol , I dont want to get anymore pigs and it was hard work bonding these 2 and they are not from the same litter i think thats why things didnt work out and they started to fight , anyone got any ideas on how i can get them active in there runs like they used to be when together please
Thank you ( OH they are just over a year old now )
Thank you ( OH they are just over a year old now )