They already had a fight. Help please!

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Sep 12, 2012
Reaction score
Sugar Grove, Pennsylvania, USA
Vinny and Oreo have been living together happily (so it seemed) for close to a month. At first they had the usual dominance behavior and it just stopped about 3 days ago. We were cuddling on the couch last night and they suddenly started getting a little aggressive so I stuck a blanket over Oreo to stop it because it was getting too much. After about 2 minutes I took the blanket off and they were cuddling again so I thought they were fine.

Well about 90 minutes ago I went in their room to grab them for cuddles and they were chasing each other around and fighting again! I hadn't heard any noise all day and every time I looked in there they were chilled out or nibbling on hay. So when I was in there I figured they would sort it out like when they were introduced and just stood there watching to make sure it didn't go too far. Well it got to the point where they were launching at each other and rolling around trying to bite (looked that way anyhow) and I wasn't going to let it get any worse.

So when they separated they were yawning at each other then teeth chattering and starting to get ready to launch again when I stuck a paper plate between them.

I checked them over and there is no blood and I had to tear down the top level of the cage and separate the bottom level for tonight and put a towel on the grids separating them.

What the heck do I do now!?! 8... I really want them to be friends and it's breaking my heart seeing them sitting alone. Could it be my stress rubbing off on them and making them fight?

Any tips on how to rebond?
i had the exact same problam, mine are brother's they loved each other when they was little... but then it kicked off one night & they had one BIG fight they had taken chunks out of each other it was a right mess i cryed my eyes out.

think i was stressed at the time aswell ( trying to find a job )

but now they live seprate but next to each other in c&c cage, ive tryed to re bond but no look, 1 wants to be friends he goes to touch nose to say friendly hello but the other just chatters teeth..

it sounds like yours are probs going to do the same, and for the saftly i would separate them.

I'm going to try piggie datein after christmas try find them both a new friend! fingers crossed!

Good luck.
I am so sad and upset about this right now :( I kind of hope it is because the one is at the rear end of his hormone stage I think. The last owner didn't tell me his exact age, one day it was 8 months the next it was 1 year! I just don't know because I really do not have room for 4 piggies so they both have friends with them :( I hope I can get this figured out. They never drew blood or ripped fur but it was darn close and I didn't want it to get that far. Maybe they need a bigger cage because I only have them in a 2x4 right now and they are boars?
I am so sad and upset about this right now :( I kind of hope it is because the one is at the rear end of his hormone stage I think. The last owner didn't tell me his exact age, one day it was 8 months the next it was 1 year! I just don't know because I really do not have room for 4 piggies so they both have friends with them :( I hope I can get this figured out. They never drew blood or ripped fur but it was darn close and I didn't want it to get that far. Maybe they need a bigger cage because I only have them in a 2x4 right now and they are boars?

i dont have space for mine, if they havnt had a propa scrap! i would leave them for now they probs just trying to see whos top pig!.

but mine are in a 2x3 Cage each & been livin alone for about 3month but i get them both out everyday to interact with other other so they dont get lonely :(
mine are funny they will play nicely then just suddenly not like each other ha..

as you can tell by my photo they still love a cuggle from each other :)
2 foot by 5 foot is the minimum recommended for 2 boars. There's a great sticky at the top of the behaviour forum that might help you. Have you got 2 of everything for them and made sure each got there own little area complete with bed, food and water within the cage?
2 foot by 5 foot is the minimum recommended for 2 boars. There's a great sticky at the top of the behaviour forum that might help you. Have you got 2 of everything for them and made sure each got there own little area complete with bed, food and water within the cage?

Yes I have 2 of everything. The only thing they have to share is the cage and the hayloft if a bit small but its an upper level and I was planning on making it bigger once I got a bit of money in my paypal account within a couple of days. They refused to eat veggies out of separate bowls so I just spread them out over a plate so they could have space and share while eating. Their cage is 2.5 feet by 5 feet so it meets minimum standards.
Well I tried one of those bonding baths that cavy spirit mentions when things go sour early on. I have a hidey in the bathroom from floor time the other day and after putting dish soap on their grease glands I started running the tub water. I let them hangout on the floor while the water ran and they ended up squeezing into 1 hidey together to try and avoid taking a bath! :)) I am surprised I didn't have to break out a stick of butter to get them out of there. :p

Anyway they must have just been test yesturday for some reason and I will just make extra sure fights are serious because they are best friends now. I am happy they are friends again though! :)
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