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There’s a fleshy scab on my guinea pig


New Born Pup
Jan 9, 2023
Reaction score
This morning I found a little patch of my guinea pigs fur missing, I picked her up to investigate what it was. As I was checking through her fur there was a fleshy red scab on her back.
I’ve researched everything about it to figure out how it could’ve happened but i’m still not too sure.

I have two female guinea pigs, both around 7 months old, and share a cage together, my conclusion is that the other guinea pig might’ve bitten the poor little one, as i’ve seen them fighting a bit recently.

Please reply or comment if you know anything about this scab!
I agree, a hands on vet check is needed to diagnose the cause and prescribe any required treatment.

If you suspect it may be a bite, then please watch your piggies very closely. Sows are less likely to have a full on fight (it’s more something boars do when they don’t get on ) but if they are not getting on well and are causing injuries to each other then they may need to be separated.
I agree she will need to see a vet for correct diagnosis and treatment. Guinea pigs are prone to both fungal infections and mites that burrow under the skin, both of which can cause extreme itching leading to self trauma.
This morning I found a little patch of my guinea pigs fur missing, I picked her up to investigate what it was. As I was checking through her fur there was a fleshy red scab on her back.
I’ve researched everything about it to figure out how it could’ve happened but i’m still not too sure.

I have two female guinea pigs, both around 7 months old, and share a cage together, my conclusion is that the other guinea pig might’ve bitten the poor little one, as i’ve seen them fighting a bit recently.

Please reply or comment if you know anything about this scab!

Hi and welcome
How long have you had your guinea pigs?

Please see a vet. We cannot tell you sight unseen whether you are dealing with a burst cyst or a potential outbreak of mange mites or potentially also ringworm with your girl biting herself bloody from the discomfort. They all require different treatment but you'll need a hands-on examination to determine what your girl has.

I know that most people think of fighting bites but they are actually extremely rare in sows; bloody scabs are usually self-inflicted from scratching and biting an area of discomfort or from fungal ringworm exudate that has built up on the skin is coming off with the top layer of the skin. In newly bought guinea pigs, you are dealing pretty much always with either mange mites or ringworm. They can look very similar at the very start of the outbreak.

More information on guinea pig parasites and ringworm/fungal skin infections in this link here: New Guinea Pig Problems: Sexing & Pregnancy; URI, Ringworm & Parasites; Vet Checks & Customer Rights

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