There May Be Hope For Charlie Yet...

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jan 11, 2011
Reaction score

I built a barrier across the floor space so that Charlie (my single boar) could meet and see my bonded boars, Elmo and Fudge.

I've taken Charlie for boar dating at a rescue, but I think due to fear, he teeth chattered and barged into them, and we split them before a fight broke out. He's been alone for months, after being split from Fudge in a previous home because of fighting.

I was nervous but the barrier was secure and it would be supervised. I put Charlie on one side and Elmo and Fudge on the other. I think Charlie recognised Fudge, they rumble strutted and rubbed themselves along the bars. After a few minutes, it did calm down. There was rumble strutting, bum dragging and lots of squeaking, but no teeth chattering. They did lie down beside the bars for a while, and Elmo seemed to be the calmest of them all (he is the oldest too), keeping everything calm.

Charlie did so much popcorning, I've never seen him so excited. He seemed really happy. He was chewing the bars, but I suppose that was frustration, not wanting to bite the other two.

I think Charlie would benefit from getting to know another guinea pig for a few days before fully meeting. I don't think dating is right for him. I think he would bond with the right boar, given time to get to know him first. :yahoo:
That's lovely to hear, fingers crossed you can find a friend for him soon :-)
Good luck, I think you are right, a few days would perhaps help. I have two guinea pigs who seem to get on great with bars between them, but as soon as the meet for real they fight. Properly fight, so it's a tough thing to gauge, but if you can find a rescue willing to take him for a few days to settle and then introduce slowly then it might be the answer for him?
Wishing you the best of luck, it's so stressful!
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