Their so plastic

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Adult Guinea Pig
Jan 17, 2007
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I am getting really fed up with some of the mums in the playground,
When you talk to them they cut you down half way through a sentence when someone else comes alond, they are real social climbers and look like perfect little dolls, hence the name plastics,
I would consider myself a nice person, some times boardering on funny, so why am i ahaveing so much trouble fitting in,
Mind you i do LMAO when i reflect on how pethetic they are, do anyother mums or dads have this problem,


Thanks feel better now.

But on a nice note how is everyone today :) :) :)

Yes, there's plastic mums at my school too ::) usually driving there in their flashy 4x4's when they only live round the corner. All doled up to the eyeballs, and I think, why? all your going to do is go home and clean the loo ;D and your dressed like your going for a night out ::)

I've always just found mums who are the same as me.. normal. Then we stand in the playground and laugh at the plastics!

There must be some normal mums there for you to talk to, just look around for some that are standing there in normal clothes, look like they've been doing housework and are sniggering and pointing at the Barbie doll wannabes ;)

And i'm fine today :) knackered cos i've just done 2 hrs down the gym, but fine.
piggybaker said:
I would consider myself a nice person, some times boardering on funny, so why am i ahaveing so much trouble fitting in,

They are probably too stupid to understand your sense of humour! They must have such a sad life if they have time to make themselves look so perfect in the morning! LOL I am sure you will find some nice normal mums's eventually and they will be the ones who will become proper friends!
Yup... either they dont understand your sense of humor or they are too pathetic for you anyway! :)
Isnt it so weird... you have the 'popular' group... who have plastic mums too lol!
the good mums are the ones with no make up and looking tired and ragged thats what kids do to you after all, plastic mums are neglecting their kids for their preening and painting, I know my mumsy friends were all nice and were homely mums some of the "tarts" are now divorced and are a single mum so maybe if they had spent more time on others things might be different, you should see me now i am covered in piggy food and look a real mess but its not worth changing as I am still feeding him, take no notice I'm glad my school gate days are over with,
Yes i know you are all talking sense, i don't go looking for their company that's the really silly thing, they come and talk to me then are rude to me(big sigh)
I mean i turn up with yuk jeans on and very bad hair day and look like i have been drag through a hedge backwards, or you get the ones who want to be friends one minuet then distance the next, Personal i spend most of my time keeping tabs on daughter in the playground i would rather stand on my own,so not to appear rude when i have to yell my head off at Amy ;D ;D ;D

God what a medieval muddle
I always go for the underdog! my friends are always the ones with charity shop clothes on hair that hasn't been brushed in days looking ...well....real!
I bet you anything if you saw one of the plastics without any makeup & their regular session of botox it would be a bit of a shock! When one of the 'plastics' at my daughters nursery found out I did a bit of modelling in the past they suddenly wanted to be my best pal - b*ll*cks to that, I'll stick to my mates who don't wear stilettos to the park thanks ::)
piggybaker said:
Yes i know you are all talking sense, i don't go looking for their company that's the really silly thing, they come and talk to me then are rude to me(big sigh)
I mean i turn up with yuk jeans on and very bad hair day and look like i have been drag through a hedge backwards, or you get the ones who want to be friends one minuet then distance the next, Personal i spend most of my time keeping tabs on daughter in the playground i would rather stand on my own,so not to appear rude when i have to yell my head off at Amy ;D ;D ;D

God what a medieval muddle

Thats so two-faced and fickle - I wouldn't want to associate with such a bunch of bad-mannered and shallow women! I bet you are known as one of the nice mums amongst the kids - they can always tell who the nice ones and the not-so-nice ones are!
piggybaker said:
Yes i know you are all talking sense, i don't go looking for their company that's the really silly thing, they come and talk to me then are rude to me(big sigh)
I mean i turn up with yuk jeans on and very bad hair day and look like i have been drag through a hedge backwards, or you get the ones who want to be friends one minuet then distance the next, Personal i spend most of my time keeping tabs on daughter in the playground i would rather stand on my own,so not to appear rude when i have to yell my head off at Amy ;D ;D ;D

God what a medieval muddle

Thats coz they have nothing better to do... :)
I know what you mean - there have been times when I feel the same way. Once I said hello to someone new to the school and we are now best friends. If she isn't around I stand on my own or near a group but don't feel the need to join in. Some of the dressed up mums are really nice but have come to school to or from work.
thank god i don't have to stand in the playground anymore, it's bad enough going to parents evening and seeing and hearing all these parents going on about results, results results. don't get me wrong it's important to encourage your kids but some people seem to for get what really matters is that your kids are happy.

i always say to mart just do your best and i will be happy, to much pressure is put on kids to be the best.

i use to stand with a load of mums who were down to earth but had careers and the perfect families and became my friends, use to go out together and run the pta in the school but you know what, when i got divorced not one of them was there to back me up or give me a shoulder to cry and moan on.

i thought mayb it's cause i was withdrawn and quiet and mayb sent out bad vibes but surely if they were my friends they should have stood by me.

my fault i got divorced but that didn't make it any less lonely. i don't have any close friends now but i do appreciate the forum and being able to have an outlet.

i would rather mix with people that are covered in pig and have hay every where in the house and who judge me for who i am and not what i can do for them.
That's a real shame about being lonely after the divorce and as you say, the friends should have stood by you. Sometimes people don't know what to say when a friend is going through something tough eg divorce or death of a loved one. In the past I've lost friends during periods of depresson so I know what you mean. On the other hand perhaps the friendships weren't a good as they seemed to be on the surface. To me close friendship involves being there for someone when they need a shoulder to cry on and not just sharing the happy times. I hope you find some good friends soon.
There were way too many times I talked to and mixed with other mums and they backstabbed me after me or the hubby helped them out sometimes,so I gave up in the end and couldnt wait until Sars was old enough and I didnt have to stand around with the " in crowd"

theres too many of them up each others butts
tawny said:
i use to stand with a load of mums who were down to earth but had careers and the perfect families and became my friends, use to go out together and run the pta in the school but you know what, when i got divorced not one of them was there to back me up or give me a shoulder to cry and moan on.

i thought mayb it's cause i was withdrawn and quiet and mayb sent out bad vibes but surely if they were my friends they should have stood by me.

my fault i got divorced but that didn't make it any less lonely. i don't have any close friends now but i do appreciate the forum and being able to have an outlet.

Poor Tawny! They can't have been true pals to abandon you like that.

The only friends I have near by are the wives/gfs of the OH's friends - most of my good pals live in Essex or abroad, so I do get a bit lonely at times and long for a good night out with them!
it's just life and human nature. i use to run a pub with my ex and when i left, the other so called friends stayed on the ex side, could get their beer ect :D

i think i've been stabbed in the back to much to ever wanna go down the road of friendship again. i'm not bitter just not as stupid anymore. i believe friendship is about being there no matter what.

i get on with people and am friendly and pretty open but i don't let anyone to close.

i have my family and my partner and my piggies and if i need a moan just come on here ;D
thankfully i don't have to do the play ground gates any more, i use to hate it, they either had an awful attitude & horrid kids or were so up there own backsides it made you want to gag, i can either look ''dolled up'' as in , in a suit n hair done (going to work) or jeans, no make up n all my tattoo's on display, quite weird really the way people treat me depending on how i look :o the guy in our local bakery calls me his 'posh customer' because even when covered in straw , i still am polite & ask for things in a the correct way ! some day i feel like c*** & cant be bothered to dress for work tho...... it will be so nice to get back to dressing as i want for work , where you are judged on how well you can do your job , not where your clothes come from.
people are sadly very shallow now adays ?
Move North, no one's plastic in our village ;D

Where I used to live in Nottingham it was like that, mums would turn up to do their bit helping at pre-school in designer gear and then complain when it got ruined ::) Now I'm in a very down to earth village and there's hardly anyone like that here
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