the wind is terrible

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Jan 23, 2006
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we've had amost non stop rain and the wind is awlful, its really blowiing a gale out there, my conservatory roof is creaking hope it stays on lol, the pigs sheds are now in full view of me indoors as i have opened the conservatory blinds to keep an eye on them I am that worried they will take off,
has anyone else got this weather my nephew in Torquay just phoned and said the west country has it bad as well,
think everyones out door decs will be blown down so glad we did'nt bother with ours this year,
the sea is raging and the ferrys are on limited crossings no doubt will stop all together again, so will be marooned on my island lol
It was terrible here yesterday - trains were delayed by 90 mins >:( few bins over and branches off trees when i took Jed out this am. Its been wet but not too bad today but meant to be worse tomorrow.

I shall stop in if its bad, cant be bothered to go out if it means getting wet!

The guineas were fine last night sheltered by the house - ive had big boards cut to keep the wind out and to secure plastic covers to. I still got up twice in the night to check on the gang it was sooo wet and wild :o

Keep safe everyone!
We had bad fire last night. Has settled a bit tonight might get worse later. There was a restruant on fire here last night so I think they were glad of the rain.
And here in Ireland it is really bad too, the last 2 nights have been awful and it keeps me awake as I am a terrible worrier
picking up again now and gone really cold so hope it won't freeze too.

can't get the fire to stay lit either the wind is going the wrong way so will be cold tonight too

It is very windy here again in East Sussex in the South of England. You can hear it howling outside...

Eek! :o
crikey its getting worse the wind is so bad ,the south coast must be getting it bad if we are
we have a wonky aerial that rattles all night,it kept me awake till about 3 am today then at 5.30am I couldve sworn there was a tornado whizzing past,it was so damn loud,I was dreading the piggy shed roof being ripped off etc
Tis very windy here. And wet. Glad piggies inside. Shame Flospey bunny has to be outside. :( Still, he comes in for a lot of the day anyway.
got up this monring to find our fences are rattling and need work on them to survive and my girls shed rooof had some of the felt blown loose, all fixed now though hubby knows MY prioritys lol,
I read the title of this post and was going to suggest Rennies or something like that?

Not very nice here in Wiltshire. Sat by a lovely burning woodstove at the moment, got to walk dogs in a minute. :-\
the wind here is bad, not too strong to blow things over yet. in the Park behind the house, the non stop rain is filling up like a lake! the piggies are snuggled in the garage, and i regreat going in, because unless the door is locked, it dont hold still and blows out. I'm in the west midlands so we are very protected inland.
It is dreadful here!

I drove back from my Mum's in Worcester to Birmingham this afternoon and the driving conditions were some of the worst I have ever seen - so windy, loads of sitting water and really dark even though it was only 3 oclock!
Terrible here too!

It is so bad that I can not get the covers to stay on the rabbit run - because of this and the fact I am worried about there being fireworks tonight, I have actually shut my rabbit in his hutch in the shed. This is only about the 5th time he has been shut in this year! He is currently sulking ;D
It certainly is ive made sure my piggies have lots of extra bedding to snuggle in tonight put an extra layer of paper in for them too but knowing my lots they will run around in it instead of sleepin in it

That wind is pickin upto so be careful if your off out tonight !
hopefully the wind and rain will stop the fireworks,some idiots were letting them off till 3.30am
I thought that wasnt allowed anymore >:(
I was hoping that too but it didn't. There were loads going off round us (Wiltshire) until 12.45am. One of my dogs paced around upstairs for ages then squeezed into the cupboard where she could hide. (we went to bed at 10.30am, boring I know but it's always an anti-climax unless you're at a party).

My sister has a 3 month puppy who was outside when a firework went off, she shot back inside terrified. Poor little dog.
We never went to bed til 2am! Fireworks were so loud and one of our cats, Buttons is petrified of them so tried to give him lots of attention :(
we went to bed at 10.30 ish but it was pointless trying to sleep with the wind and rain then the fireworks..
seriously they get louder every damn year,I wish they would hurry up and ban them
Sars1359 said:
I wish they would hurry up and ban them

Same here, but afraid have two large firework shops in Leamington which are open all year round :-\ :-\ :-\
kellyandpiggies said:
Sars1359 said:
I wish they would hurry up and ban them

Same here, but afraid have two large firework shops in Leamington which are open all year round :-\ :-\ :-\

you could always sneak there one night and throw a match thru the letterboxes
kellyandpiggies said:
;D ;D ;D Naughty, naughty ;) ;) ;) There's a thought... when can you do it? ;) ;)
next tues ok with you?
just make sure to clear the area ;D
our friends last guinea pig died last week due to fireworks he was'nt even 2 but the shock killed him, he lost his cage mate last year,
aww hell that sucks
they should write to their local MP and tell them,you never know they might listen for once
That's awful.

My naughty Angel-Doctor seemed to really enjoy fireworks, the little ::)

As for weather, down here (west Cornwall) it has been terrible for the last four days or so. We have hardly left the house. You can hardly stand up in thr wind and the rain is just bucketing down. I ran today for the first time since last Wed and managed to get caught in a hail storm on the cliff path. Fun. ::)
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