The Sheet Method


New Born Pup
Sep 17, 2022
Reaction score
Rhode Island
I wanted to post some information of the Sheet Method of calming a nervous guinea pig. The main ideas behind it is to (1) be at eye level with your guinea pig and (2) create a hidey house that you both share.
I work with one guinea pig at a time. This can be during floor time or on any flat surface. After I put the piggy on the flat surface, I give her a treat-usually a baby carrot. Then I wait for her to eat it. After she is done, I lie down next to her and put my face close to her face. Then I cover us both lightly with a sheet. I hold the sheet up a little so it makes a tent. However, both the guinea pig and I are covered by the sheet.
After this happens, the guinea pig will transform. Or at least that has always happened in my experiences. My guinea pig will realize that we are both in hidey houses and, therefore, safe from predators. A guinea pig will relax instantaneously and often begin grooming herself. This exercise is a great way to begin to develop trust with your guinea pig.
After being with the guinea pig for 5 minutes in the hidey houses, take the sheet off (slowly) and return her to her cage. Then give her-as well as other guinea pigs-some food.
That’s really interesting, I can understand the reasoning behind this. GP’s have always felt really safe under a blanke/fleece on my lap too and food is the secret key to anyones heart, beast or human 😊
That's a cool idea and it makes sense, I may borrow that in the future with new or nervous pigs!