The Saga of Zapp & Whizz (Nugget)

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Mar 25, 2011
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Hi all just a quick update on my boys. Well got them both in separate cages but side by side. Have them out each day but yesterday Zapp sprang towards Whizz and teeth chattered with loud squeaking so have been trying to convince myself it will take time. Whilst they are in the cages they teeth chatter and sometimes Whizz does his rumbling with bottom wiggle and they touch noses through the bars. Have got Zapp out this morning whilst cleaning cages and he was happy running around the room, and fed Whizz in his cage, then swapped them and Whizz was hilarious running round and round and jumping like he washaving a fit. Meanwhile Zapp munched away in his cage,so two full bellies and a bit of exercise alone later I got them out together and the teeth chattering started. Whizz flinched once when close to Zapp and then they came face to face twice and jumped at eachother but no biting and both ran away. They appear to be guarding each endofthe room and lots of bum rubbing on carpet. Let them chatter and approach eachother cos thought that now this has started perhaps we needto let them sort it but only chattering and munching inbetween. They are now back in their cages. When I got Zapp from the dreaded P@ H depot adoption centre(i nowknowtheimplicationsofthat) sorry my spacebar is caput. They said that he had been bullied. I noticed one ear was a bit nibbled although healed and the other hada slit in the centre of it again healed. I double checked the story by returningto the store that evening and weaving a story to another member of staff to see what her story was and if he had been bullied or was thebully.She confirmed the story he hadbeen bullied. I think that he is just sooo very nervous that hewill be attacked again that he is being all butch as he jumps and runs maybe I'm wrong. I love my piggies and am soo glad I have them just wish I could persuade my hubby to be as enthusiastic.
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