The Problem When Your A Piggy Person...

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Mother Hubbard

Forum Donator 2024/25
Nov 13, 2009
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Bewdley, Worcs, England
:ple:You get offered all sorts and strays!

So today at work, I was approached because...can you guess? Someone's daughter has lost interest in their now lonely pig whose cage mate died 6 months ago. I recall giving advice at the time. They've bought a dragon thingy and another dog and want rid of the piggy, naturally suggested getting a friend but nope daughter has no time with the piggy.

So my question is this...if I took her 2 yrs old, should I still quaratine? As she's been on her own?..Ican hear your answers already. She's been treated well apparently, nailed trimmed at vets but not treated with Zeno. I have said, I want her treated before I check her over because I would bond her with my 2 bonded girls who are very chilled girls...

What do you reckon peeps? The husband is gonna kill me...haven't told him yet...sounds like I have made a decision already eh. I just don't know...
I would quarantine if it was me but I don't have any experience of this. If we don't hear from you for a while I will guess that the husband got you :P

Also a few months ago an old friend (on facebook) asked me if I wanted her 2 boys and I had to say no...I regret this all the time.
You definitely need to quarantine, the fact that she has been on her own doesn't mean she won't have anything such as fungal, lice, mites, URI etc. Not saying she will but best to be safe than sorry. We learnt the hard way when we took Emma in and the whole herd came down with a URI.
I would quarantine as you can't be sure what kind of conditions the poor unwanted piggy has been kept in.

It is often hard to say no if you don't want to end up as an unplanned rescue by default. :(
Thanks guys, I know you are all correct of course I would be saying the same. It's just a question of whether I do or don't. Your absolutely right weibke. It's certainly not planned for as a rescue I knowi couldn't afford it as I am a realist here.

Will keep you posted.
Please quarantine her.It's really hard turning away piggies in need but I am lucky that I know a woman that helps rescue so she helps out.Good luck with the bonding.
I dont get teh whole get rid of one type when you buy another ... erm just dont buy the new one! or preferably dont buy any animals and adopt all from rescues in the first place :D

Whatever you choose to do with the lone piggy OP good luck with it x
I know, if you've met me you'd realise I gave them a bit of a verbal bashing out it, the situation is ridiculous, oh we'll just get rid of this one and get somethings do the kids not understand what responsibility is if they just ship them off. You can imagine I won't make it easy for him to off load her. Still undecided really.
I know what you mean as friends and family have given me unwanted piggies too. What have you decided?
Well at the moment I asked them to bring her I so I could check her over and then he had to have her wormed because she hasn't been done at all. So until he brings her in I won't make a decision, also I am a bit annoyed he brought his new dog into the office showing it off. How I held my tongue!?
thats disgusting behaviour on his part IMHO parading it in front of you when they're trying to dump "old" pets. No idea how on earth you held your tongue!
I don't get it either.I wanted degus but after research on freeads a couple getting rid because dogs wouldn't leave them alone realised while I have my dogs not feasible.Whatever I take on has to fit in with the animals I care for now
It's a sad reality that many people treat animals large and small as disposable items rather than living beings with needs and feelings. They are not a phone of iPad to be traded in for the latest version on thrown away when no longer wanted but many people just don't think like that so this situation is not uncommon.

Unfortunately as we all end up inevitably known as 'the guinea pig woman' or 'guinea pig bloke' at work/social life then we end up being asked for advice which many times people don't take and also offered 'unwanted' pets when everyone else gets bored and no longer wants to be responsible for them. It's always so very hard to say no or to have your good advice ignored but it's what happens when you become known as someone who cares for animals. It wouldn't make us angry, upset or sad if we didn't care so much.
I just don't get it. I could never get rid of an animal because I was 'bored' with it. Goodluck with this :)
It is really kind of you to take on this poor piggy but it angers me they will get other animals yet not want this one.
I feel exactly the same, it is not right that you throw out the piggy, in for a new pet. The saying ''out with the old, in with the new'' springs to mind. :rant:
Precisely I hear you all and your absolutely right. It might be that I won't be able to take her anyway, it's just not agreed yet either way.
Very maddening indeed.:hb:
So just an update.
I now have room for this little girl so approach my colleague saying when could I take a look at her, he said the daughter might have changed her mind now.:hb:

So I said think about it and let me know, if she keeps her she needs a friend and don't go buying another one, you need to go to a rescue to bond them....honestly! Some people :stu:
Oh I will. It's difficult because frankly I want to launch at the idiot but I am in a certain position at work where I am told to hold my tongue as I represent the bosses office naturally, if not, believe me I would be having a right go.
I hope you are able to take the poor piggie. I know she would be much happier with you than with her current owners.

And yes, please quarantine the new guinea pig for at least two weeks. It usually takes a few days for any symptoms to become apparent as guinea pigs are very good at hiding illness.
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