Junior Guinea Pig
Hey friends! So I've been having an issue. I have two teenage Piggies; Byron is around 7 months and Louie will be 14 months in a few weeks - it has been a bloody nightmare. And I really do mean bloody. I came home from work today and found that my poor Louie has been bitten pretty badly on his rump and front leg. Byron was still chasing him around and mounting him. Both were making the growling noise. It was terrifying! They have been getting into little fights more frequently, but we had been watching them and it didn't seem too out of the ordinary; but after this incident I placed a barrier down the center of the cave, each boy is now in a 2x3 C&C with C&C panels in the center. They have their own everything however they keep trying to bite through the bars. Or rather, Louie will bite through the bars and Byron will bite Louie's face as he gets the chance. Louie has gone so far as to try head butting the barrier. I need help! Please please please