The Piggies Hate Me :(

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jul 29, 2014
Reaction score
Herts/Beds borders
I'm not convinced the piggies like me very much. We pick them up whenever possible using the transfer method as Fang in particular wheeks loads and wriggles when you pick him up.

They come in each evening for treats, fuss and grooming. Each evening at least one of us gets weed on, we cover the sofa with fleece and yet they still choose to wee on us.

They wheek and try to hid when we brush them (we use a soft bristled brush), Fang was bucking yesterday when I was brushing his bum (the hair is a little greasy there).

I'm dreading having to do bum baths and claw clipping as whilst they are happy being cuddled for short periods, exploring and sitting next to us, I think they'll find this really stressful :(

Can anyone give me any pointers please?
How long have they been with you? It takes a while for them to get used to you and some pigs never like being handled or having their nails clipped etc.

Does his bum seem sensitive?

Looking at your location you may not be that far from me (am in Letchworth) so me and the OH could always help with nail clipping the first time (he is an expert, I on the other hand am rubbish at it).
We're in Henlow so not far. I worked at a vets but turn into a quivering wreck at the thought of upsetting my own animals! We've had them 3 weeks.
That's not far at all, we sometimes go to the Koi place.

I know what you mean, it's different when it's your own.
Aww they do not hate you. Guinea pigs are prey animals and it takes them time to gain trust. Three weeks is a very short time. You are doing all the right things. My Shereen is the most nervous piggy I have met and it took two years before she felt more confident with me. We cannot know about their past experiences and if there are reasons for their fears. With patience and time your little ones will learn trust. Please do not worry.
Just take your time and give them time to settle. They will come around eventually, it's just some take longer than others :)
guinea pigs are prey animals, this is all normal, just give them time, in a year or so they should be a lot better :)
Hi there! Two of my new guinea pigs are still getting used to being held- it can take a while as others have mentioned (:
When your pigs wriggle- is it just to get away/hide, or do they seem uncomfortable when you stroke them? If they don't like being touched, it can be a sign of a skin condition. If they're not scratching and there's no sign on the skin/hair of anything than they're probably fine (:

How long do you tend to hold them for at a time? My boar tends to have a weaker bladder than my girls, and I have to watch out for warning signs such as moving around on my lap/'talking' louder than usual or he'll wee on me! Sometimes he won't warn me at all though, so I only hold my pigs for a tops of 10/15 minutes at a time to try to prevent that.

If they seem determined that your lap is their toilet, however, I'd suggest putting a towel on your lap when you hold them to save having to change your clothes every time you hold them!
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