The Only Boy


New Born Pup
Oct 15, 2023
Reaction score
South Africa
I need help. My girl had 4 babies only one of which was a boy. The vet said I need to separate him but I am so worried about him being lonely so now he is coming everywhere with us (my daughter insists). Not very practical. He is only 3 weeks, we tried to put him with our big boys but they just chased him.
Any help/advise PLEASE!
Welcome to the forum

He does need to be separated.
He needs to be put in a separate cage but beside the other piggies so he can have interaction with them through the bars. He won’t be lonely if he lives side by side.
He can’t be taken around with you, he needs to be beside the other piggies at all time

Introducing him to another bonded pair of boars may not work and certainly it won’t work long term (boars are usually only successful in pairs).
We do recommend that baby boar is put with an older boar (even if it becomes a trio temporarily - as I say a boar trio won’t usually work out for long term) but it is only going to work if the older piggies do accept the baby.
When you tried to introduce him to the other boars, did you do it on neutral territory?
How many other boars do you have - are they a bonded pair?

When he is old enough (usually around 4 months old), he could be neutered and after the six weeks post op wait to become infertile, he could be bonded back in with the girls.
Bonding and Interaction: Illustrated social behaviours and bonding dynamics
Dominance Behaviours In Guinea Pigs
Neutered / De-sexed Boars And Neutering Operations: Myths, Facts and Post-op Care