The Life Of Sheldon

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jun 26, 2014
Reaction score
Arkadelphia, Arkansas, USA
Okay I have worked myself into a full on panic. I have a pig named Sheldon and we live in southern Arkansas, USA. I hadn't planned on getting him and ended up rescuing him. So he is alone. He gets 2 hours of floor time everyday and 2 hours of cuddles at night. His floor time is in a kiddie pool. He has a pillow, stuffed animal, and blanket in his hut all the time. So I know it's healthier to have two and and almost all of me wants to. The small selfish part just wants my baby. But I want him to be happy. The problem is that we do not have room for a larger cage than we have and it's only big enough for him. Also I can't find a rescue anywhere here to get one from. I would try to buy a cage or the stuff but I can't afford it and my fiancée already complains about the expense of one even though he loves him. I just need to know Sheldon is okay and will be okay because my stomach is in knots thinking he is sad.
Hey there, I know and understand your situation and I know you only want the best for your baby, and while in a perfect world you would have enough space and money for another pig friend for Sheldon, but, this is far from a perfect world. I think you are doing a GREAT job and giving Sheldon all that YOU can.

I think that if he doesn't seem depressed, then I wouldn't worry about it so much. From what you have told me Sheldon seems happy unless something has changed. Try to change up his floor time stuff (you probably do) I try to add something new each time for them to explore. I posted pics of tonight's adventures in the housing section.

Pigs are expensive, I'm learning that very fast and I'm amazed at how much money I have spent on them in a month and a half! YIKES! I am thinking of growing my own hay lol j/k but honestly if I had the space I probably would. I need to find a good place to buy it cheaper in bulk.

You are obviously a very loving owner, but the Midwest is generally not a good place to safely find a meet&greet companion for a lonely boar, and with any other option you will have to brace for the possibility of ending up with two boars living alongside each other. There are no good guinea pig rescues listed for your state. As long as he gets plenty of daily attention, he will be perfectly fine. He'll simply never know that there are other dimensions to a piggy life.

How big is Sheldon's cage?
His cage is 16x29 which is small and I know that, it's the one the previous owners gave me and like I said he was a surprise rescue so I didn't anticipate things like cages. I clean it every single day and make sure he has about 2 hours of floor time everyday. I want a C&C cage but then you have cost and space as a problem. I have seen him run laps so I know he can do that in there for now. Thanks Angela! I know I worry but I wouldn't like to be by myself all the time and so I know he doesn't. I really want a larger cage first off and maybe I will feel better after that? I hate to get a piggie from the pet store but is that my only option you think?
Okay I am looking online for a c&c cage to buy at a reasonable price because I know that is my first step to improving his life. Any suggestions where to look? Angela I know you found one at one point. Also how large would the cage need to be for 2-3 pigs? My fiancée is actually being supportive. Imagine my shocked face. AND is it possible to have a herd of boar? I know how to sex my pig because of boar cleanings so I know that I could pick 2 boys at a pet store. I am just concerned about the fighting. I need opinions.
You can't have a herd of boars they very rarely work.If he is neutered he could live with a few sows.I have four sows in 15 square foot (5x3 c&c) and six in twenty square foot.They have their own room and are the most expensive pets I have
He isn't fixed and I hate to do that to him. I would prefer to avoid surgery. I was under the understanding that increase in cost from 1-2 or 3 would be minimal
You can only have 2 boars together. More than 2 there is a 90% chance of fighting. If you want more then 2 pigs you will have to have your boar neutered then wait 6 wks. Until its safe for him to be with girls. He can then have some girl friends. BUT you need a vet that has a lot of experience with operating on pigs. Because general anaesthetic is quite dangerous for little animals. You will need a specialist vet
So getting 1 boy is okay? I am confused because I have read about boar herds. I really want to avoid surgery. This is so hard because there are no rescues here or anywhere in the state. He has an exotic vet but it still makes me nervous.
So getting 1 boy is okay? I am confused because I have read about boar herds. I really want to avoid surgery. This is so hard because there are no rescues here or anywhere in the state. He has an exotic vet but it still makes me nervous.
You can have 2 boars, no more. But like @Wiebke said about meet and greet can you find some where that does boar dating/ boar bonding ? Will you have room if you boys don't like living with each other.
The first thing I am gonna do I buy a new cage. The one we are prob gonna get is 10.5 square feet. Do you think I could take him to petsmart with me and individually let him meet other boars and see how it goes? Will that be enough room? And will they be happy as a pair?
So getting 1 boy is okay? I am confused because I have read about boar herds. I really want to avoid surgery. This is so hard because there are no rescues here or anywhere in the state. He has an exotic vet but it still makes me nervous.

Boars work either in pairs or in large herds, ideally 10 boars or more. In the latter case, you need a lot of space and have additional housing ready if group dynamics chance and fights happen.
3-4 boars are the most unstable of groupings and often end up with multiple fall-outs; at the worst with all boars refusing to go back with any other. I know of only very few quartets that have been successful for even a few months, and the majority have been from people with lots of boars to find exactly the right character match.

You have to take into account that character compatibility is key to a successful boar bond and not every baby will click with every boar. problems can develop when a baby hits the stroppy hormonal teenage months and develops its own adult identity.
So 3 are bad. I will just get one more. I stated up above that I am from south Arkansas and learned there are no rescues anywhere remotely close to me. I just need to know that 2 boars is okay, the cage size is okay (10.5 sq feet), and taking him into pet smart is okay
Make sure that you have got a plan B in terms of living alongside in case things don't work out. Please don't rush out; do your research and only commit to a bonding if you are sure that you can cope with it and any fall-outs.

You may find these threads here helpful when you think things through; boar bonding and finding the right friend is not quite as easy:
This thread here will give you a good idea about bonding and your chances:
Lol wiebke your post only came through half way the first time I read it. So I know I don't have any rescues anywhere near me because you were able to tell me, thank you by the way. But I hate having him be alone. So I was thinking after I got the 10.5 sq feet cage I will have his current cage for quarantine and separation on until they are okay with each other. The only place to get a piggie here is petsmart which is a pet store you can bring your animals into. Do you think if I took Sheldon and let him meet a few piggies individually that it would work to find one he is okay with? I don't want to endanger him at all.
Okay, I will read those and I wouldn't be buying a new piggie for a few weeks. The new cage is a soon and a must but the piggie will need more research. I can't stomach surgery on one of my piggies or I would get a female. I am so frustrated by all this lol!
If you can take Sheldon to meet youngsters, that would enhance your chances quite a lot and minimise the risk of fall-outs to a good extent; mutual liking will go a long way. You can never completely exclude it when getting pre-hormonal youngsters from whatever source.

You may also want to read up on mange mites, ringworm and URI (respiratory infection) to be on the safe side, as you will have to waive a quarantine, which we usually recommend, so you can make sure that you spot any signs early. I would recommend to treat both boars with a good, age/weight appropriate ivermectin product as a matter of course, provided that the shop hasn't done so.
Where would I get the ivermectin? Yeah I know all the signs of an uri, mites, and ringworm. I have researched guinea pigs a lot since getting Sheldon, I have a good vet already set up and just had Sheldon checked. I would be able to recognize the signs and get them treated if it happened.
I am going to get a C&C cage so if my 2 boys have a falling out can I just put a divider down the middle and let them live as neighbors? Also one of my last questions is how common is an illness coming with a new pig? Because as you said for me to meet and greet I would have to waive quarantine. When I get the new piggie should I put him in the separate (old) cage for the first 24 hours?
I just had the idea that if I got the new cage and got it all set up then waited until I got the new boar to put them both in then it would start out and always be theirs instead of already Sheldon's. Is that a good idea?
Okay I am looking online for a c&c cage to buy at a reasonable price because I know that is my first step to improving his life. Any suggestions where to look? Angela I know you found one at one point. Also how large would the cage need to be for 2-3 pigs? My fiancée is actually being supportive. Imagine my shocked face. AND is it possible to have a herd of boar? I know how to sex my pig because of boar cleanings so I know that I could pick 2 boys at a pet store. I am just concerned about the fighting. I need opinions.
Go on eBay and type in guinea pig cage or storage grids. That's how I got mine storage grids for 25$ and free ship. One pack would be enough I think. I got my corex at home depot 10$ a sheet.
I just had the idea that if I got the new cage and got it all set up then waited until I got the new boar to put them both in then it would start out and always be theirs instead of already Sheldon's. Is that a good idea?

I think that's a good idea. How old is Sheldon? I would get the youngest one I could depending on his age. But @Wiebke would be the best to answer that question.
We think he is about 6 months old. We have no way of knowing for sure but it's our best guess. Hmmm... I will suggest the buying and building to my fiancée. We don't have a home depot here but maybe could order it online? We may buy one off of the guinea pig cages website. Angela when you only had one loft did that work okay?
We think he is about 6 months old. We have no way of knowing for sure but it's our best guess. Hmmm... I will suggest the buying and building to my fiancée. We don't have a home depot here but maybe could order it online? We may buy one off of the guinea pig cages website. Angela when you only had one loft did that work okay?
Yes, it was fine and I'm actually down to only one again after expanding it when we got the third pig. I haven't gotten around to adding a second one back in yet.... Sigh it's a lot of work lol, but fun! I'm taking two weeks vaca from watching the baby starting Friday so I'm gonna do it then :D.
That's good to hear! I didn't know you got a third, that's exciting. Another girl? I will prob only have one loft and make it the kitchen if they will both go up there, how would I build a loft on the other end? So I have this almost all figured out. Just waiting for confirmation on those things by wiebke and I will be good to go. Also I am gonna start playing Sheldon music during the day while I work so he isn't in quiet constantly.
I just looked at pictures of other peoples cages and that's how I figured it out lol. Just make sure you have lots of zip ties.

Yes there are pics in the new and wanna be forum under thread couldn't say no
I want to buy some precut prescored corex. I am not good at that part of cage construction lol. But first I need to expand it one more time get the size I won't change and THEN buy it.

Good luck it's fun! I'm so excited for you and Sheldon. :)
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