The life of 4 sows


Junior Guinea Pig
Jun 23, 2021
Reaction score
Just my first post in this journal of my very newly formed trio. I’m happy, although the adults still are working out the bonding process that comes with adding a New Guinea, I’m excited about this adventure.

I just call it: Table for 3! 😂 cause they’re all dining together here.

the heart-y hay buffet I removed cause the baby is too small and crawled completely through one of the heart shaped opening.
Although I totally expect to give it back when she’s bigger.
Oh your baby looks just like my Beatrice when she was small, with a little ginger bottom! Now she's grown up and her ginger bottom is a little bigger but still.....
What lovely girls you have! I love that grey colour on the back of your bigger lady 🙂
The tiny one with the brown butt! Ahhh so cute :wub:
She has a kind of blotched banded brown down her right side too. What else I find unique about her is her entire right arm and paw is white. That’s the only white on her though.C9A4C1E1-6B26-4FCE-8DA2-ACFB589A2D96.jpeg
You can see her paw in the second space on the grid from the bottom right . It goes all the way up that arm.
Omg I missed it so no vid because I was too slow but, new girl Eowyn was licking Arwen ears and Arwen just laid down and let her. I figured I’d at least announce it and hope I catch it on camera later on.
Just googled I read adult sows due this as a sign of affection but eowyn is such a baby still. Is she Already affectionate with a sweet temperament?
Omg I missed it so no vid because I was too slow but, new girl Eowyn was licking Arwen ears and Arwen just laid down and let her. I figured I’d at least announce it and hope I catch it on camera later on.
Just googled I read adult sows due this as a sign of affection but eowyn is such a baby still. Is she Already affectionate with a sweet temperament?
Ahh that's so sweet! Happy piggies are the best piggies. My drama queens also go through phases where they're super affectionate and lovey-dovey towards each other, though most of the time they're bloody savages:))❤️
I’m pretty sure mine are all American guinea pigs
I initially wanted Rex’s because I like they’re fluffier.

But oh well they’re awfully sweet whatever they are!

they are a trio
They have accepted Eowyn and she is a happy pig now.
That said I don’t think I’ll add more unless can one day build much larger cageC9A51365-F704-4FE7-A3D5-F54E78C8D9EF.webpA9E5B48F-811F-46E1-B10F-FEBC528868BA.webp62741C52-8346-4E7B-B056-8362E6140900.webp
I don't know how I missed this thread. What gorgeous piggies you have there! They've clearly found a wonderful home! 😍

With all the 5 star threads in this section it’s quite easy for mine to get lost in the shuffle lol.

I don’t think I posted their baby pictures in this thread yet these are all of mine their first day here!

Hey folks! Neither I nor my sows know how to edit my original post which is fine but I wanted to let it be known it’s now become, “The Life of Three Sows: Now Featuring A Boar”. I ran it by the girls. Eowyn is fine with it. Galadriel doesn’t care as long as she gets her food especially carrot tops. Arwen wants me to leave the Boar out of the title and focus the spotlight of her.

Here’s the new addition for those unaware. I’m going to call him Gimli.


I finally built up the courage to keep fleece. I got a lot more fleeces to go through.


I kind of want to give the sow cage a bit of an overhaul.

I’m having Gimli neutered early January.
I am wondering if anyone has a specific brand of brush and/or comb to use for him. He does require daily grooming so far and he is chill about it. Or so I hope. I hope that would he the case and he isn’t just scared frozen up.

He has started gentle nibbling me sometimes and just he nibbles a bit more enthusiastically. He eats and drinks from a water bottle. He has zoomed and popcorns in the play tent I put him in an hour a day. Grooming him is a responsibility.
But it is one I must face. Because Gimli is le Champion.
It is now a table for 4. I adopted tauriel from a local rescue that does a lot of good for guinea pigs.


They all are loving their new beds too and getting along with new cage mate!


I used the flash here because without it I wouldn’t have been able to capture Eowyn in the picture but I forgot about pet-eye