The liberty!


Adult Guinea Pig
Jan 19, 2016
Reaction score
Suffolk, United Kingdom
For goodness sake. The human has brought home a set of cup coasters that appear to have a picture of me on them. The liberty! Did anyone ask me? No. (But did anyone ask if I wanted my picture on a Christmas bauble? No, but still, there they were boxes and boxes of them)

It's like they want beautiful red heads with stunning white nose stripes to feel like we are common.

I'm fumin' . I want to speak to the manager.


get that human reported to the GPU, what a cheek 😁
Thea's onto it!

Dear GPU

It has come to my attention that the picture one of the Forum Piggies owned by @Tigermoth has been plastered on some coasters. The piggie in question was not even asked by the Hooman! The very cheek! How dare the Hooman take such liberties! The shocking audacity of it is totally outrageous! How would the Hooman like it if their face suddenly appeared everywhere without permission?

This is such a serious matter I may even have to call on the services of GPFANS @Viennese Furbabies.

Yours very much appalled

The One and Only Thea
Shop Steward
We are here for you if you need a nipping squad.
Wheeks Tessy

PS: Must confess though that the pigture is really cool. You should think about opening you own line of merchandise und make some money out of your good looks.
PPS: Mummy slave just showed us a mouse pad with the face of our legendary RP Ginger (another beautiful redhead with a white nose stripe).