The last four years


Forum Donator 2024/25
Sep 14, 2020
Reaction score
London, UK
Four years ago yesterday my life changed when I adopted my first ever guinea pigs. I wasn't allowed pets as a child and as an adult I always wanted a cat but for various reasons it was never possible. Then very late in life I became fixated on the idea of guinea pigs... I didn't know much about them but did a lot of research and thought I knew enough. Contacted a rescue and on 8th September 2020 feeling incredibly nervous and excited I collected Biscuit and Toffee and brought them home.

Thank goodness for this forum! If I remember correctly my first post here was titled something like "I'm worried about my new guinea pigs". Well that hasn't changed - I still worry about them all the time 🤣 but thanks to this forum I've learned so much. I sadly lost Biscuit last Christmas but Toffee, now 5yrs old, is still going strong. He's not quite as active as he was and seems to sleep more, but is still eager for his veggies, maintains his weight, popcorns occasionally and has a lovely bond with Spice who joined us in January.

Living on my own, they've made such a huge difference to my life, I can't imagine a life without guinea pigs now 😍
Very sorry to hear you lost little Biscuit, but you have a pair again and your little fur family bring you so much love. Yes, my piggies look after me as much as I look after them!