The Joyful And Sometimes Scary Prospect Of Snuggles From Poppy

flying piggies

Junior Guinea Pig
Apr 5, 2012
Reaction score
Victoria, Australia
Poppy, loves a snuggle... Sometimes...... At other times she likes puncturing my fingers or anything that she deems is too close. Shes a bit of a Jekll and Hyde, but the ultra cute type.

She seems to be more likely to bite if anything unexpectedly touches her bottom or back legs. Brushing has been intresting..... She goes into an extreme popcorning mode.
Ive since noticed she is more likely to bite after or during one of these fits.

She has only been with us a few weeks (the cooken legs is from day two) and ive noticed she has started to do so less frequently. So I'm hoping she will learn not to and i'll learn what not to do (really helpful advice here re biting- though i must admit when she is in bite mode the last thing i want to do is put my finger near her chin :) )

I do love her in cuddly mode.



Aww how cute is your Poppy? I'm sure she'll get better as she get to know you!

Thanks, I'm hoping so. I keep reminding myself Archie ( my heartpig) originally liked to bite and not half nibbles. But learnt not to. He also had a very strong idea of what he wanted coupled with no fear.
Aw what cuties! Iggy can get a bit bitey, especially if you touch his half poops he leaves all over your chest (he's like a strange bird protecting his little brown eggs) and he strikes like a snake if you go to move them :))
Aw what cuties! Iggy can get a bit bitey, especially if you touch his half poops he leaves all over your chest (he's like a strange bird protecting his little brown eggs) and he strikes like a snake if you go to move them :))
I’m sorry but i had to laugh at this, like my OH is looking at me like i’m crazy laugh lol.
Aw what cuties! Iggy can get a bit bitey, especially if you touch his half poops he leaves all over your chest (he's like a strange bird protecting his little brown eggs) and he strikes like a snake if you go to move them :))

Little brown eggs may stick as a term.

Poppy is a little hyperavtive. Some mornings i come in to find her frenetically throwing figures of eight around the enclosure, whilst Luna is perched on the fiddlestix arch watching her with a I'm not going near that look.
Little brown eggs may stick as a term.

Poppy is a little hyperavtive. Some mornings i come in to find her frenetically throwing figures of eight around the enclosure, whilst Luna is perched on the fiddlestix arch watching her with a I'm not going near that look.

There's always one right? :D
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww so many piggy feet there to :drool: over!