Junior Guinea Pig
After many months of being together, the inevitable has begun. My baby boars are no longer babies, and the trio is beginning to fight. I was hopeful that things might work out after them being a trio for so long, but after watching lots of dominance displays and teeh chattering i have picked up on the first wound- and its nastier than i expected. It has already begun to heal up (curse me for missing it in the first place!) And isnt too big i suppose, but even the thought of it makes me sick with worry. Its on my smallest piggies nape, just beyond his crest. I havent checked the other two yet today but will be doing so soon. I'm not sure what to do about the piggies though; should i seperate them or wait it out? I know my parents wont be keen on the idea, and its hardly ideal, but maybe with christmas coming up i would persuade them. I just really hope it cold work out. Any advice? Ive read through most of the threads on here but id really prefer to keep them all together. Id hate to have to seperate them.