The hot sun

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Hiya :)
I'm in two minds what to do here. My piggy's have a spacious run, one for the boys and another for the girls. In my garden when the sun hits it, which will be about an hour, i have no shade. The runs do have a cover attached to the run but when the sun is beating down it can get very hot in there, yesterday i covered half the run with sheet to provide them some cover when grazing.

What i am asking advice is, i got my first two Piggy's at the end of summer last year so didn't have this problem, is would it be fair to leave them out in the run all day with this heat? Its going to hit 25o later on i feel very guilty to leave them in their hutches all day, although they are big hutches and that is one place where the sun doesnt go. I cant put the runs there as its on concrete.

I might just let them out now before the sun comes round to the back garden for an hour, then put them back. Its a lot cooler in their hutches then it would be out in the run, yet as i said i feel guilty leaving them in there. At the weekend i,m going to invest in a cheap gazebo and see if that helps during the hot afternoon sun.
I have this problem too. It is cool in the shed at the moment and I'm just take hubby to work but when I come back I will put the boys out in their cages (just the lids) and put the girls in a large cage lid too. I do have some shelter where my shed is in the shadow. I offer icecubes for them to like too and frozen bottles of water.

I was talking to StephieAck last night on MSN and she said she uses plates put in the freezer for a while so the pigs can sit on them. So even though it is warm you can provide cold comforts. :)

It's tooooo hot! ;D
yer dnt leave them out al day mine r in ther hutches alot dnt worry so much hutches r cooler thn in direct sunlight just let them go out 4 half n hour or intill they feel hot
I put mine out in the runs with frozen bottles to keep them cool. I use towels to make it shaded moving them as the sun moves :) Mine spend hotter days in thier runs as they seem happier that way.
Have you tried spraying some cool water in there. I do this and my piggies just lay down on the cool water during the hotest part of the day.

Ice packs will help too.

putting them on concrete isn't a big problem if you can attatch a hay rack to the run. You coudl puot hay and some grass in the rack and once it gets cooler you can move them back to the grass. x
Thanks all :)
I have been putting them out before the sun hits the back garden, then they go back in their hutch for about a couple of hours or they come in with me for a bit or a grooming session lol then when it starts getting shady, out they go again till about 8 in the eveing :)l. It seems to work out pretty well and they arnt over heating in thier hutches either as they are very big and spacious and the sun dosnt beam down on them.
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