The Holy Grail Of Guinea Pigs...

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Junior Guinea Pig
Nov 16, 2013
Reaction score
... So I bathed my piggies and straight after I bundled them up in warm towels to dry them off. I had Percy on my knee for a wee cuddle and was rubbing him all over to get him dried, and he...


Proper purred! It was actually the best thing ever. It's my mission to get him to purr again now I know he has a sweet spot under his chin :)

Any funny purring stories out there?
Never had a Purrrrrrrr, I often get a gggggrrrrrrrr :))

You must be doing something right!
He is a wee grump usually, there's a battle of wits and speed when I lift him onto my knee! Which made it all the more amazing... His body went totally relaxed and his legs sprawled out. Too cute!
Joe was chatting away during his recent bath, but went totally, utterly silent when we dried him off XD Strange little fellow, is our Joepig!
I haven't found my new girl Sonnet's purr spot yet... she's quite shy and won't purr often. But I had Kindle out for a cuddle last night and I found her TICKLE spot while I was purring her! I had no idea pibs were ticklish! I just was moving my fingers over her legs and belly and she started squeaking and popcorning and it was the most delightful thing! I got her to do it a few more times, she is definitely ticklish on her lower belly, sort of right around her thighs.
my first piggy ches purred so much when i stroked him. sometimes he'd even roll on his side and his little chooken leg would go up in the air :)) benjie is exactly the same - he loves being tickled :))

maisie would purr a bit and had a really deep purr.. :)) mollie also has a deep purr but doesn't like to give into the tickles and admit she likes them :)) funny though because both girls had/have the deepest sounding purrs :))

eddie wouldn't purr as much as the others but i did get a few on occasion :luv:
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