The Giant Ball

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Junior Guinea Pig
Feb 1, 2016
Reaction score
Chicago, IL, USA
My boyfriend came home with one of those big plastic balls that open on the top for small animals to run around in while outside their house. Alan didn't really get it, he just sat there, and Herbie just peed in it. Should I keep trying to see if they'll get used to it, or r they just scared to death of it?
That kind of toy isn't suitable for guinea pigs, their back is really delicate, and that kind of things can really hurt them. So no, please, don't keep trying!
I don't think they are meant to go in them, they can get hurt. Those balls are for hamsters.
Those balls are intended to safely contain small animals who may otherwise escape when out exercising. Guinea pigs are big enough so that should not occur during supervised floor time. This makes the balls completely unnecessary and as other posters have already stated the balls can have a serious impact on the health of the piggy and its spine. Please do not use this ball.
BIG no-no for guinea pigs! :(

Yet another stupid shop gimmick that is putting animals at risk.
They are not safe for guinea pigs and may injure their spines (guinea pigs do not have the flexibility of a lot of other rodents.) Plus there isn't much point for a guinea pig, who is big enough to wander around the environment without getting lost as long as there is supervision or the space is pig-proof. The balls are more intended for smaller animals (I used to use them for my mice) who would be too small/quick to give free reign to otherwise.
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