The Fabulous 18 Piggies + 1 Kiddo


Junior Guinea Pig
Aug 27, 2019
Reaction score
Arizona, USA
Helloooo piggy people! Long time no see. I've been busy as all heck, but life on the Pig Ranch has been blissfully uneventful for the most part.

One more piggy has appeared! I heard about a bereaved 3-year-old sow whose family was also moving soon and unable to take her with them. The temptation of having 3 even herds of 6 pigs was too much. I'm naming her Heather.

I kept her in an adjoining enclosure for a few days this time around since it had been a while since she'd seen another piggy. The introduction is happening today and so far it's a very mild time in the bonding pen. I don't think we will have any problems there.

Everyone has been happy and healthy. Most of them have seen the vet at least once now. We switched to disposable paper and now hemp bedding, as I was getting very tired of washing fleece constantly. Everyone has learned how to use the ramps, too!

One exception to perfect health - Pepper still needs her spay surgery, as her hair loss is getting quite noticeable. The thing stopping me from scheduling it right now is that I need to be able to give her the post-op pain medication reliably...

And I'm currently fostering my friend's very high-needs 4 year old child, which makes my schedule a little too unpredictable. I'd worry about missing a dose because I'm dealing with a tantrum or other major child event. My poor friend's physical and mental health deteriorated to the point that the Department of Child Services got involved. If I hadn't volunteered myself, Kiddo would have been sent to be fostered by strangers, and no way was I having that. At least I'm a familiar face.

Unfortunately Kiddo had basically gone feral since the last time I sat them. It's been a whole process re-teaching them how to accept caregiving and show respect. I'm not sure how long they're going to be with me - DCS here is notoriously sluggish at doing anything. If it's very long I might have to get Pepper her spay anyway and just juggle it somehow.

Kiddo has made substantial behavioral improvements in the time I've had them, and today they helped me put the piggies in the bonding pen. They gave each piggy a kiss.

But yeah... thankfully I've had help feeding and tending to the Ranch residents (as well as plenty of support for Kiddo) because Kiddo is pretty all-consuming right now. If my friend's road to recovery ends up being long and it becomes a "formal" foster care placement, I think I'll be able to get free child care, which would be great. If, knock on wood, my friend never meets whatever requirements DCS puts forward, my partner and I would be likely candidates to adopt Kiddo. So our little ranch might gain a human resident?


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Good to hear the piggies are all doing well! It must be so wonderful to be in the company of that many piggies at once! ☺️ It sounds like caring for the pigs with kiddo might be a great bonding/teaching activity. I feel like guinea pigs have a calming effect that could even work on 4 year olds. I don't have any kids though so I could be wrong 😅

On a separate note, it is so kind that you offered to care for your friends child. Someone close to me was placed in the foster system (moving from family to family growing up) and it was a very bad experience for her. I hope your friend recovers from whatever they are struggling with and that things go smoothly for you, piggies, and kiddo in the meantime!
Sounds like you have a lovely piggy ranch. Good luck with kiddo. Sounds like you are doing a great job. I hope kiddos mum gets the help they need. But she must of been so relieved you took her baby in. ❤️
Good to hear the piggies are all doing well! It must be so wonderful to be in the company of that many piggies at once! ☺️ It sounds like caring for the pigs with kiddo might be a great bonding/teaching activity. I feel like guinea pigs have a calming effect that could even work on 4 year olds. I don't have any kids though so I could be wrong 😅

On a separate note, it is so kind that you offered to care for your friends child. Someone close to me was placed in the foster system (moving from family to family growing up) and it was a very bad experience for her. I hope your friend recovers from whatever they are struggling with and that things go smoothly for you, piggies, and kiddo in the meantime!
Kiddo does seem soothed by holding and watching the pigs. Their favorite is Nutmeg the skinny pig, they're obsessed with the fact that they are naked. 😂 Getting to hold Nutmeg is a great reward for a day of mostly good behavior, haha.

I'm sorry to hear about your friend. That's exactly what I want to make sure doesn't happen to this kid here - getting bounced around is so traumatic. I'll send mom your well wishes, too.
What a rollercoaster time you’re having.
Glad all the piggies are doing so well but hope you can get Pepper’s spay done soon.
Good for you taking in Kiddo and it’s lovely to know the piggies are working their healing arts. They’re wonderful therapy.
Hope all works well for you all.
I'm seeing some interesting behavior. The new piggy has been totally accepted and is living in the big enclosure with her herd, easiest bonding ever. However, she seems very shy and is mostly sticking to one little corner. The other piggies come over one or two at a time to visit her in her area, almost like they are encouraging her to come out and join them. No one is being aggressive and keeping her in the corner or anything. Even food doesn't lure her out - she's been eating privately rather than joining the piggy pile for meals. Perhaps she is a bit overwhelmed by being in a big group for the first time? Hopefully she'll venture out more over the next couple days. She does come out a little, but always goes back to her corner.

We've also finally got a timeline for reunifying Kiddo with Mom! If she toes the line and does everything DCS asks of her, it could be as soon as the end of November, which is sooner than we could ever have hoped. Fingers crossed Mom can turn herself around.


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Well... I just got news that two former herdmates of Skinny Pig & Co. are no longer able to be kept by the people they got rehomed to. ☹

I'm a sucker, so the pig girls are getting delivered today. Hopefully they will be pleased to see their old friends soon.

That makes 20. Even more nails to clip. I'm just going to sort of sliiiiide them into their cage and hope nobody notices them. 😂

All I know about them is that they are Americans.
Well, weird last couple of days. The person returning the two guinea pigs to their original human suddenly demanded money ($75) for them. When she said she didn't think that was reasonable, seeing as it was a return, the person started calling her names and really upset her. She told them to find another home because she couldn't deal with that nonsense.

I let her know I'm willing to "bid" $100 on them myself if they aren't already gone. But I'm probably not getting those girls. I hope they go somewhere decent. 😕

However, weirdly enough, someone else *just* messaged her wanting to return two completely different guinea pigs, a mom and a female youngster. So I may be receiving them tonight instead.

Amazing how many people just... get guinea pigs and suddenly decide they no longer want guinea pigs. I guess that's why I'm here sporting so many secondhand guinea pigs.
Soooo.... she received the two guinea pigs from the person who contacted her. Then she was like, hey... these aren't the guinea pigs I gave you!

She then flipped them over and discovered they were actually both boys. 😂 Fortunately, she knows someone who keeps a large herd of males and they were willing to take them.
Yeehaw! Something finally panned out, I'm so excited! Meet Lavender and Violet!

They are 3 month old twin girls, an accidental litter from a pet store missexing. Unfortunately their prior human also didn't know to quickly remove Dad after the birth and Mom Pig is already pregnant again. I'm going to get updates on her and the subsequent litter. If she and the babies survive I will probably take them as well, (neutering any males.)

Anyway, these are some great pigs and I'm glad I could give them a home. Their prior human was really struggling to find anyone that would take them. Violet is the one with the head dimple, she's clearly quite bossy. Lavender is the grey roan, very mild and hardly bigger than a chunky mouse, lol.

I'm going to set them up on dates with each of my 3 herds soon and see who they mesh best with.


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Woah, easiest pig bonding ever. I plopped Violet and Lavender in a playpen with Juniper's herd and they were instantly accepted with much jubilation, grooming and popcorning! I'm not even going to do the dates with the other herds because this one was such a resounding success. Zero aggression from anyone, it was like I'd given them an awesome gift, haha.


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So lots of good news!

The new additions are continuing to fit right in with their herd. The other two herds are doing great as well. Just pigging around and being well-behaved.*

I'm told that their mother has given birth to her litter and is doing well! It's 3 female pups and 1 male pup. Very exciting.

One thing that occurred to me on hearing about the one male pup - if I take him, he'll need a buddy/uncle pig until he can be neutered. I'll ask if the father pig is needing a home as well, I could have him raise the male pup and then later I'd have a male for each of my two other herds.

But if the father pig is not available, is it possible to borrow Clover from his ladies to babysit a male pup for a while? Or would that be too disruptive/unlikely to be accepted? I don't know a whole lot about male/male behaviors because I just haven't had to deal with that yet. Clover is a pretty fatherly guy, so if it's feasible I think he'd do a good job.

*Except for PEPPER who has been SKYDIVING out of her cage's french doors whenever food is coming! 😱 Naughty Pepper! Thankfully she lands in the hay bin or veggie bowl...


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