The downside to this forum...

Lady Kelly

Senior Guinea Pig
Jan 11, 2011
Reaction score
8 years ago I was a new piggy owner of two beautiful ladies by a few months and had joined the forum shortly after... And that's when it happened...

My two ladies were friends but little Bumble always wanted to cuddle Bea. Bea was not fond of the affection and poor Bumble kept getting scratches as she was pushed away. Then on this very forum a lonely soft boar appeared who got bullied in every boar pairing that was attempted.

After some internet dating, the ladies gave their approval and Peter joined us to be neutered and live with his ladies. (After that Bea mellowed and took a shine to Peter and poor Bumble was left with no one to snuggle with so I had to get another sow taking my max number to 4)

Here's a snap of that internet dating session
The same happened to me. I joined the forum as new piggy owner only about 16 months ago. I had two skinny pigs at the time, Dora and Ginger. A few months went by and I fell in love with two lovely sows on here that had been in a rescue for some time. So Mavis and Peggy joined us in May.

I started attending the GPF meets (which I love) and last November chatted about perhaps getting a boar to keep my two girls company. That's when I heard about Georgie who was at The Potteries. He was already neutered, so after a dating session with my girls, where we all fell in love with this friendly little fella, he came to join the herd.

So that's the downside of the forum.........