The dominant one

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Jun 8, 2012
Reaction score
San Antonio,TX
I believe Kenny is trying to stake himself as the dominant one. He has been mounting Seth this morning. Seth will just stand there and continue to eat. I read the thread about it already. I'm just hoping it doesn't go beyond this. Is it normal for the smaller to try to be more dominant?
It depends more on personality then size. One is always dominant and it goes on until the other submits to them.
Seth just stayed and ate at the plate so I'm guessing it's been established for the most part. My daughter kept grabbing Kenny and bringing him to saying he was being naughty with Seth. She's 17. She knows what is going on. I'm almost thinking that w should watch closely but leave them alone so it can be sorted out. Is this a good plan of action?
Mounting is mild dominance behaviour; some boars take turns and do it on a daily basis.

The dominance is not dependent on the size - the head sow of my big group of 12 piggies is one of the smallest sows, while her much bigger sister has never shown any interest in the actual running of the Tribe; she just does her own thing.
I've already read what to look out for to my daughter so she better keep a close eye on them. Especially now. Guess they are adolescents now.
Kenny is starting to mount Seth a lot more now. He'll hunt him down in the pin to get on him. Seth doesn't seem to care. I'm just hopping it doesn't turn out to be a free-for-all pig fight.
If he isn't caring & is ignoring it then I shouldn't worry - altho it is awful to watch I know. I am having similar issues with my newly bonded boys, Billy (new boy) keeps mounting Rodney (my 2 year old bereaved boy) but Rodney makes all kinds of moany squeaky noises & boots him off because he is fed up of it. This worries me... I would much rather he just totally ignored it :red
when i boar dated ditto at 3 years old with a 12 week old baby abysinnian the baby repeatedly tried dominating ditto and it verged on bullying, then finally thr baby attackrd ditto so viciously it bit his cheek and drew blood and tore his underarm. The baby and ditto were seperated and the baby returned. Just keep an eye on things but I'm sure theyl be fine i think my experience was a rareity x
Did you get any signs it was turning aggressive from mounting?

Define the 'bullying' ?

I'm terrified of my little Rodney getting bullied... if I see so much as a sniff of it Billy is leaving the building!:{
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