The Dominant One

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I was just wandering if anybody could tell me how I can determine which guinea pig is the dominant one.

Hard to say really, I know with mine because I study them a lot ;D Do you have boars or sows? With my boars, I know Larry is the dominant one as he gets to the food bowl first and Teddy runs to it and grabs some and runs off! Also Larry rumbles at Teddy sometimes and Teddy is not allowed in the tunnel. (I am going to buy him his own one and see what happens).
They are sows so its harder to tell. There is nothing like the other one not being allowed to do things but there is always one who gets to the water first or the food when I ring it in the morning, could that be the dominant one?
My head sow always eats first & the others let her, she doesn't "stop" anyone doing anything but if one of them is somewhere she wants to be she will give them a nip to tell them to move :)
I've tried to figure this out too, at first i thought it was obvious that bumble(the fatty) was the boss because bee jumped away from her a lot and hated her sniffing her bum but ive been watching them and at the moment bee is the one who rumbles and shakes her bum most and she constantly nicks food from bumbles mouth! would bumble let her do this if she was the boss? Bee still seems to have dramatic squeeks wen bumble goes into the pigloo that she's in but bumble seems very laid back and doesnt seem to know what bee is making the fuss about lol, bee follows her constantly and if i were bumble id get very annoyed! the most ive seen her do though is flick her head at her! Funny little things, they're amazing to watch! i'm sure u'l get to know in time if u look up what the signs are and look out for them x
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